The Attack

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                We had finally reached land and the boat man had left. We were walking quietly in the woods when Naruto started throwing kunai's at  random places, the second one he threw nearly hit a rabbit which he was apologizing to. I looked up to the sky and sighed. That's when I saw a sharp blade flying in our direction, my eye widened in shock, "EVERYONE DUCK!!!" 'dad'and I yelled. Everyone did as we said and the sword deflected off of me when I swung my hand at it causing it to get stuck in a tree, a man then appeared on it's hilt, I pulled out some kunai. "My, my. Do you happen to be Momochi Zabuza the exiled ninja of the Hidden Village of the Mist?" 'dad' asked. Naruto was about to run up to the man when dad stopped him. "You're in the way, stay back you guys. This guy is different from the other two we fought. If he's our enemy I can't win like this."
He reached up and pulled his forehead protector off his left eye. "You must be Kakashi the Sharingan user." Zabuza said. I noticed that Sasuke tensed up. Just then a mist rolled in like the waves from the sea. "When I was in Anbu Black Ops of the Hidden Mist, there was information about you in the Bingo Book I carried. There was something interesting in the book. It said you are the man who copied over a thousand jutsus. You are Kakashi the Copy Cat ninja." Zabuza said. "Wow!" Naruto exclaimed. Sakura stared at 'dad' in shock, Sasuke didn't look to happy. "Let's end the talking right here" He said crouching on the sword. "I must kill that old man immediately." Tazuna gasped and the four of us surrounded him. "But it looks like i'm going to have to defeat you first Kakashi." Zabuza unlodged his sword and disappeared. "Over there he's standing on water!!" Sakura shouted. Zabuza made some hand signs and water started to swirl around him along with his chakra. "Ninja art, Hidden Mist jutsu." He said and then he disappeared for real that time. "He vanished!" 'No duh Naruto'. "He'll try to kill me first so you stay there. Zabuza Momochi is an Anbu Black Op's member from the Hidden Mist and is known as the 'silent killing technique' expert." 'Dad' said. "The mist is getting thicker!" Naruto said as I held back the urge of slapping him.   
                After a while Zabuza spoke, "8 spots....the larynx, the spine, the liver, the lungs, the jugular, the subclavian veins,the kidneys and the heart. Now then, which should I use to kill you Kakashi?" Seconds later the mist was blown away by 'dad's' chakra. I then noticed that Sasuke was shaking in fear, I was surprised because Sasuke always looked, well...he looked like nothing would scare him and was always so serious about things. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry you baby, dad wouldn't let us get hurt" I said in a sweet yet taunting voice to calm him down, and he did. "I wounder about that..." Zabuza said  from behind us, "It's over."  I quickly turned around and stabbed 'Zabuza' in the stomach, but it turned out to be a water clone. "B-behind you!" Naruto said. I turned and Zabuza stabbed me, My body turned into a shadow and disappeared. Everyone was in shock including Zabuza. 'Dad' used Zabuza's surprise to his advantage and appeared behind him with a kunai pressed against his throat. "It's over" He said as I jumped from out of a tree. "W-wow" Naruto said, Sakura sighed in relief, Sasuke and I noticed that there was a smirk on Zabuza's face. He started to chuckle which caused 'dad' to look confused. "Did you say it's over?" He asked in an amused voice. "You don't understand do you? You won't be able to defeat me," He looked at me. "But I must say, your good and I know for sure that you copied my water clone jutsu when the girl attacked me. But..." Another Zabuza appeared behind 'dad'. "....I'm not a fool." The 'Zabuza' that 'dad' was holding burst into water while the one behind him tried to behead him. 'Dad' ducked and Zabuza's sword got stuck in the ground, he then used the sword to kick 'dad' and he when flying into a lake. Zabuza ran after him and jumped into the lake as well. 'Dad' was the first to resurface but he was moving slower than usual, that's when Zabuza appeared behind him " fool that was water prison jutsu!" 'Dad' was then encased in a water ball. "You got caught...This is a special prison that makes escape impossible. Now then Kakashi i'll settle things with you later, first I will finish these guys off!" Zabuza turned to us. But for some reason I didn't care, I felt like someone else was here...watching us. "Water clone jutsu." A clone appeared, "Your acting big wearing a headband like a ninja, but a real ninja is one who has hovered between life and death many times. In other words, those that are worth being listed in my Bingo book deserves being called a ninja. Guys like you can't be considered ninja." That's when the mist rolled in again. I turned to face my team. Naruto was shaking, Sakura was petrified, Sasuke looked better than he did earlier and me, I was calm. Zabuza appeared and tried to kick me, I dodged and punched him in the face. "You four take Tazuna and run! You have no chance against this guy, as long as he has me trapped in this water prison he wont be able to move! And he shouldn't be able to water clone jutsu if he's far away enough from the real body! In any case just run!" 'Dad yelled.

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