Secone attack and a Traitor!

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                "Their here" Zabuza said. Haku and I got ready, I watched as they all started to freak out mostly Naruto and Sakura, then the mist rolled in and Zabuza got up. "Sorry to have kept you waiting Kakashi" he said, "I see you got those brats with you like always." He raised his sword and pointed it towards Sasuke. "This one's trembling." I narrowed my eyes towards Sasuke before Zabuza's clones surrounded them. Sasuke smirked, "I'm trembling with excitement." "Do it Sasuke" Dad said. Sasuke started to attack the clones with a lot of speed in each blow. "Well,well. So he could see the water clones, eh? The brat's grown quite a bit, looks like you have another rival Haku. Other than your friend that is." Zabuza said. I guess that's it's time for us to come out, Haku and I walked up to Zabuza and stood on opposite sides of him. "It seems my predication was right." "Predication?" Zabuza asked. "Those little mask..." "I knew it" Sasuke said calmly. "So the elite shinobi of the Hidden Mist thing was a bald-face lie?!" Tazuna said. "How dear he show after what he did!" Sakura shouted. I took a step foward along with Haku and took hold of his arm and whispered in his ear, "I'll fight with you" He nodded. Sasuke glared at me. "And who are you?" "That is none of your concern" I said. "I'll do it." 'So he want's to fight us.' "I don't like brats who think there cool." Zabuza said. "Ready?" I said in a low voice, he nodded and we both ran towards Sasuke. He grabbed two kunai and was able to defend himself. "Sakura protect Tazuna!" Dad said. "I don't want to have to kill you, please back down now." Haku said. "Nonsense..." "But you won't be able to keep up with our speed." Haku said, "Also we have two advantages." "First were surrounded by water" I said. "Second we have blocked both of your hands, which means I can do this." Haku said before doing hand signs with one hand, "Hidden jutsu: A thousand needle's of death!" The water around us floated up and became pointed needles. "Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouted. The needle's started to shake and moved towards Sasuke with a lot of speed. I kicked Sasuke's back to make him fall and moved out the way along with Haku. There was some smoke so we waited until a few shuriken's flew towards Haku, grabbing my kunai I ran in front of him and deflected all of them. "You're surprisingly stupid... from here on out you'll be defending yourself!" Sasuke said. Haku grabbed a senbon needle and tried to stab Sasuke with it but Sasuke blocked it and threw a kunai at him. Haku dodged it but got kicked and ended up all the way towards Zabuza, I growled at Sasuke and he took that as a victory point. Zabuza looked shocked at what just happened. "It seems I'm faster than you" Sasuke said smugly. I was about to run towards him when dad spoke up. "I can't have you mocking our team, calling them brats. He may not look like it but Sasuke is the number one rookie in the Village hidden in the Leaves. Sakura is our sharpest mind, Amychan is the one person you wouldn't want to mess with and is probably above her genin status. And our number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja, Naruto Uzumaki!"
                Zabuza chuckled darkly, "Haku do you know what this means? At this rate you'll be defeated by your intended victim." "Yes." Haku came over to him and I followed. "It's unfortunate..." He began as the air started to get cold. He did a hand sign and the water that was around Haku, Sasuke and I began to freeze upwards until there were sheets of ice that took the form of a dome. "Hidden jutsu: Crystal ice mirrors!" "What's that jutsu?!" Dad shouted. Haku and I melted into the mirrors, after awhile an image of Haku and I appeared into each of the mirrors. "Are these...mirrors?!" Sasuke questioned. "Dang it!" Dad said before running towards the dome, Zabuza stopped him. "I'm your opponent, aren't I? Since that jutsu appeared he's done for." "Now then, we'll show you our true speed!" Haku declared. We both made scratch marks on Sasuke. "W-what just happened?" Sakura said. Sasuke grunted in pain, Haku was about to throw senbon needle's at Sasuke when I stopped him. "What's wrong?" Haku asked. "I want to fight him before you start throwing needle's at him." I said. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Ok." I came out of the mirror and looked at Sasuke before vanishing into thin air."W-what?!" Sasuke said looking around the dome. I reappeared behind Sasuke and swiped his feet causing him to fall. He grunted in pain then I went on top of him and held his arms above his head with one hand and left my other one free. "Hey get off of Sasuke-kun!!!" Sakura screamed. I smirked under my mask and grabbed a kunai and pointed it towards his neck. 
        'Don't kill him!'
        'Why not?'
        'You should know exactly why!'
                I stopped and got off of Sasuke and waited for him to get up, then he tried to attack me but ended up being punched in the face. "That's for hitting Haku!" I said before walking up to a mirror and going back into it. "You did that just to get him back for kicking me?" Haku asked. I nodded. "Thanks..." "No problem." Haku took hold of a senbon needle and at the same time Sasuke got up a massive amount of senbon needle's flew towards Sasuke, he dropped his kunai and screamed in pain. "Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screamed. "If you make a move i'll kill those two." Zabuza said. 'He better not' I thought. I narrowed my eyes  towards a spinning sound and moved behind Haku. 

Haku POV

                I was about to throw another set of senbon needle's when I felt Amychan shift behind me. I turned to see her behind me. "Amychan?" "Don't worry, continue the fight." She turned and I saw a shuriken in her hand. 'Did she...catch it?' She threw the shuriken outside the mirror. "Haku, did you forget what I said? I am protected by water and we are surrounded by it." I nodded and turned back around and got ready to attack when there was an explosion were the shuriken was. "The number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja...Naruto Uzumaki...Is finally here!" "Naruto!" Sakura said with joy.

Amychan POV

                'Idiot' I said in my mind. Zabuza then threw several shuriken's at Naruto. 'Good lord, i'm going to get my clover blown by this'. I took out some shuriken's and threw them at Zabuza's own, they blocked all but one. 'Naruto move!' I yelled in my mind. "Get out of the way Naruto!" Dad shouted. Haku threw a senbon needle at the shuriken at the last moment. 'Haku protected Naruto?...' "So, your both interfering...Haku...Amychan?" 'Crap' Everyone's eyes opened in shock but dad. "Amychan!!!" They shouted in union. "Your usual Haku." "I'm sorry...let me deal with them my way." "Humph, do as you wish" "Know it's time to kick your butt!" Naruto declared. Haku and I looked at Naruto, I could tell he had disbelief written in his eyes. "Amychan you have some nerve to deceive us!!" "I'm sorry, but I'm not here to have a chat with you Naruto, get in our way and we'll kill you." I said coldly. Naruto couldn't  believe what I had just said including Sakura, just then a kunai flew past my head causing my mask to fall off, I switched my gaze from Naruto to Sasuke. 'How could I put my guard down.' I thought. Haku had a scratch on his mask, I guess he got hit with the kunai as well. "Sasuke?" Naruto said. "Oh, Sasuke do you feel left out?"I smirked and commanded the water in my mini gourd to attack Sasuke. The water floated out and turned into water kunai and flew towards Sasuke, he was able to dodge some of them...but not all. He screamed in pain, I couldn't help but laugh.  "H-hey!" "Naruto, I'll get you later." Haku said as he walked back into the mirror. When Haku's image appeared in the mirrors the needles flew out and towards Sasuke. My sanity was decreasing little by little because all I saw was blood, I could release some of my blood lust to help me out but then i'll scare everyone...what should I do? "Hey I came to rescue you!" I looked up and saw Naruto inside the dome next to Sasuke. "You idiot!" Sasuke yelled. "What you should be thankful I came to help you!" Naruto yelled back. They both started to argue. 'Idiots!' I yelled mentally releasing my bloodlust automatically scaring everyone. Haku froze next to me and Naruto and Sasuke stop talking and looked at me in fear. "Looks like your brats got the girl to crack" I hear Zabuza say in the distance. Calming down I lock what I didnt mean to let go of. Haku turned to me, "Are you...okay?" He asked" "Yeah, Sorry. You may continue" nodding I could turn back to face the two and prepared to throw his needle again. He threw and multiple needles were launched at them. The two screamed and pain and fell to the ground. "What do we do?" Naruto ask to Sasuke. "Since it came to this the only thing left to do is to smash the mirrors!"

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