NekoKnightz: Starlight: I like Glitter Force! Me: 👌👌👌 Anyway, Nintendo or Sega? (I personally lul)
Rhi: Nintendo. Not really a fan of Sega '-'
Errore: Neither. I don't play games.
Bella: I d-don't play games. . .
Starlight: I really can't choose. I like how Nintendo has progressed it's game design, but I enjoy the 2-D graphics of Sega.
Moonlight: o-o
Starlight: What?
Moonlight: I didn't know you could have complex sentences like that
Starlight: Oh. Well I can
Moonlight: Well, I like both, too.
Twilight and Dawn: Nintendo!
Sally: Sega
M: Nintendo :3
Blitz: N-Nintendo.
Rhi: Blitz has a natural stutter. NO ONE make fun of him.
Blitz: Thank y-you Rhi
Rhi: You're welcome!
Sorry if the beginning is different. i wanted to change how i do it XD. Also, I'm not feeling well right now. Don't worry though! I'll be fine :3