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That Monday after the game I walk into school and I am immediately harassed by my friends.

"So how was the call?!" Leah hit the table.

"Wow! Calm down! What call?" I say.

"With Mendes ya idiot!" Asa calls me out.

"Well I didn't call him," I mumbled.

"You what?" Leah asked, looking offended.

"Why not?" My friend Jenny asks.

"Because I am not interested in him, look he is talking to a cheerleader right now," I point to Shawn talking to a brunette girl.

"That's his sister, Aaliyah! She's a sophomore!" Cat tells me.

"Oh. Well anyways, if he really is interested in me he would've called me himself," I tell them and begin walking to my first class.

"Joey! Wait up!" Leah calls after me. I wait for her and when she gets to my side I put in my earbuds and play some music.

Finally, it's lunch time. I get there and start eating with my earbuds in. While I'm on Instagram I feel three taps on my shoulder and quickly turn my head to see a certain brown haired boy walking away from me and towards his table. When he sees that I'm looking at him he waves.

"Oh my god he is still interested in you!" My friend Bella observes the encounter.

"You will not say a word to Asa, Leah, Cat, Blue, or Jenny," I threaten her. She throws her hands up in surrender and nods her head.

"Not a word about what?" Cat says as she sits down at our table.


"Well it's obviously something if you don't want us hearing," Ava replies.

I zip my lips and go get into the hot lunch line. When I get back, all of my friends are laughing at something on Leah's phone.

"What is it?" I ask and look over her shoulder. They were all laughing at a Snapchat video of Shawn staring at me! The video kept going back and forth between me and Shawn. The video had text that said, "someone's in love!"

"Give me that!" I rip the phone out of her hands and delete the video. I hand it back to her.

"Haha! I deleted it!" I laugh.

"Nice try! Already saved to memories," she shows me her memories and that the video was in fact in there.

"You should go talk to him," Blue encourages.

"No! Now everyone drop it!" I snap. They all kind of stare at me for a second and then start talking about a new movie or something like that. I rest my head in my arms until the bell rings.

"Come on Leah, it's time to go," I quickly grab my bags and storm off towards my journalism class.

When I get there I slam my bags down and put in earbuds. I grab my computer and begin working on the football article I was assigned to write for the website.

I see Leah sit down next to me and immediately turn to her.

"I am so sorry I snapped, I don't know what came over me."

"It's ok, really it is. You just need to remember that we were just joking," She reassures me. I nod and continue to work on my article.

When the bell rings, in walks the last person I expected to see...

Shawn Fucking Mendes.

"Hey Joey! I didn't realize that you were in this class!" He smirks.

"Well look who dragged in the dog! Did you guys rescue him from the curb?" I insult the football player and go back to work.

This is just what I need.

The whole class was awful, Shawn was throwing papers at me, he tried texting me, he even whistled at me once! Finally when the bell rang, I made a mad dash for my next class. Once I though I was in the clear I slowed down, which was a stupid mistake.

I felt the three taps on my shoulders and I gritted my teeth.

"At least now we have a thing," he laughed for a second but then turned serious. "We were fine on Friday, but then you didn't call me. And now I feel like you hate me."

I sighed, "Mendes, I..." I started only to be cut it by him.

"And with the last name! Please, just call me Shawn."

After that I tried studying his face, when he said that actually looked...frustrated.



"I just don't think we are going to work. I'm a freshman, your a junior. Fun for you looks like parties and getting drunk on the weekends. Fun for me is going to the dance studio and working my ass off to try and get better. Does that sound like a compatible pair?" I asked him. 

"No it does not," he admits. 

"There you go," I say and try to walk away, but he grabs my arm. 

"Joey..." he starts, but then is interrupted by the bell.

"Look I gotta go," I say and run off towards the door, which my teacher was holding open for me.


Joey walked off into her classroom and I was still standing there in the hallway, alone, like an idiot. 

I had fifth hour off, so I grabbed my keys and wallet and drove to the Chick-fil-A across the street from out school. When I got there five of my friends were sitting at a table with milkshakes. 

"AY! Mendes! Get a shake and come sit down," one shouted at me. I nodded and grabbed a vanilla shake. 

"So, did you get anywhere with that freshman?" 

I shake my head in embarrassment.

"Man! The womanizer can't lost his streak at a freshman dancer! That is the funniest thing I have heard all day!" one of the guys jokes. 

"It's weird you know, it's like none of my charms work on her. Actually, I think my charms are bouncing off of her and coming back to me," I realize.

"What are you talking about man?"

"It's weird guys, I get nervous around her. I get excited when I think about her," I explain.

"You don't even know her," one guys says,

"I know! That's the weird part about it." 

I then stood up and went home. 

What makes this girl so special?

Not a Cheerleader (A Shawn Mendes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now