Bruce Banner ~St. Patrick's Day~

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You pulled your finest, greenest t-shirt you had over your head, smiling at the text on it. You were really excited about today, as it was St. Patrick's Day. Of course all the holidays were nice, but St. Patrick's Day had a very special meaning. Stepping out of your room, you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, trying to get it right, before you gave up and walked into Stark Tower's living room, where all your friends had already assembled. Tony and Thor wore identical shirts, green ones with 'Official St. Patrick's Day drinking team' on them, along with a shamrock. Natasha went for the classical 'Kiss me I'm Irish' tee, while Clint chose for a whole costume. It was a green suit, a white dress shirt with a green jacket, green pants and knee high, white socks, black shoes, a green bow tie and a green hat finished the look. Steve wore a green shirt with a tuxedo printed on it and Bruce had a green shirt with shamrock on his chest. Natasha was chatting with Clint, Bruce was talking with Tony, while Steve was just listening to their conversation, trying to understand what they said and Thor was sitting on the couch, seemingly waiting for someone. You approached him, wanting to chat a little, but your eyes kept flickering back to the scientist, who was chatting with his lab partner and his lab partner's boyfriend. "Hey, Thor, how are you?" You asked, as you sat next to him. "I'm faring quite well. And you, milady?" He asked, his Asgardian speech making you giggle, unaware of two, hidden behind glasses, brown, eyes snapping up to you, as you did so. "I'm fine. Hey, are you waiting for someone?" You asked, as he looked at the door again, hoping it would be flung open and a certain someone would stride in. "I actually am." He answered, his eyes once again flickering towards the door. "For who? You don't have too answer that, I don't want to be nosy, I'm just slightly curious." You quickly rambled, but Thor's loud laugh was followed by his answer. "I am waiting for Loki, for he said he would partake in celebrating this event with us. Yet, I am afraid he will not come anymore." Just at that moment the door was slammed against the door rather loudly and an annoyed god stood on the threshold, with a brunette behind him. "Mel, what's wrong?" Asked Tony, as he walked over to his receptionist. "This guy here, just stormed in, saying he knew you!" She answered, throwing her hands in the air, as she did so. "And I do know him. Right, Stark?" Loki retorted, his eyes shifting from brunette to brunette to blonde, his eyes shining as they glanced over to the last. "Yeah, yeah, thanks Mel. See ya later!" Tony answered, as the frustrated employee stormed out of the room, not casting one glance back. "Loki!" Thor almost squealed like an overenthusiastic fangirl and picked the ravenette up, spinning him around and gently placing him down, causing the other to gasp, hoping to refill his lungs. "Hello Thor." He smiled at his brother and nodded at the other Avengers. "Now everybody's here, we can bring out the beer!" Tony smirked and grabbed a couple bottles, placing them on a table, while Loki and Thor left the room, going to find another green t-shirt for Loki. "Tony..." Steve warned him, cautious with the other's health, yet Tony waved it off and said: "Relax, Steve. It's St. Patrick's Day!" By that time Loki and Thor were back, both their cheeks slightly red, with Loki wearing the same shirt as Thor, even though they took a little longer than needed, but eventually found it. So there were three members of the official St. Patrick's Day drinking team, one Leprechaun, one Irish lady, one guy with a fake tuxedo, another guy with a shamrock tee and a girl with multicoloured suspenders. The drinking team immediately took on the task of drinking as much as they could, albeit with a little reluctance from Loki. You settled on your favourite drink, deciding you'd take some of the special green beer later. The Irish and Leprechaun were betting on the their favourite member of the team, occasionally taking sips from their own beer, while Steve was watching over Tony, hoping he wouldn't do anything stupid. As you watched the drinkers, laughing at Clint's antics, such as dancing ridiculously, you suddenly felt a presence next to you. You looked up from your drink and your heart started beating faster, as a certain scientist softly smiled at you. "Hey, Bruce." You greeted him shyly, hoping he didn't hear your heartbeat. "Hey, (Y/N), how are you?" He asked, a friendly smile present on his face. "I-I'm good. You?" You asked, drawing patterns on the counter. "I'm fine." He answered, turning his head back at the drinkers, but still sneaking glances at you from the corner of his eye.

As Tony was already drunk and the gods on the edge of very tipsy and drunk, you had long decided it was way too boring and started chatting with your friends, until everyone looked up, as Tony had proposed something, or at least it seamed so, as almost no one, but the gods and Steve had heard it. Seeing the look upon the soldiers face, Tony's idea wasn't a good one. "I said: We should hit the streets, maybe the parade's still there, at least it's more fun than here." The brunette slurred, hoping the other's would agree. "I don't think it's a good idea." Said Steve, who was sober enough to think clearly. A drunken Tony Stark wandering on the streets was not a good plan, but Natasha and Clint seemed to agree, as did Loki and Thor. "I don't really feel like it." Said Bruce, at least someone was smart enough to not go with Tony's plan. "Party pooper." Tony mumbled and almost tripped over his own feet, if it weren't for Steve, who had caught him. "Thanks, hun." Tony murmured and placed a kiss on the blonde's cheeks, which coloured red almost immediately. "I'm not going either." You said softly and played with your shirt. "Okay, bye, lovebirds." Tony smirked and stumbled towards the door, taking Steve's hand and pulling him with him. Your cheeks coloured and you coughed awkwardly. As all the other Avengers left, you and Bruce sat down on the couch and chattered a little, soft music playing in the background. That was until (F/S) came up, by (F/A). You immediately jumped up and started singing along, not caring that Bruce was watching you, a smile playing around his lips. It had to be the alcohol, as you started dancing and singing, motioning Bruce to join you. As he didn't comply, you danced over to him, grabbed both his hands and pulled him up. He coughed and awkwardly stood there, unmoving, just like a statue. You rolled your eyes and stopped dancing too, the song ending quickly after that. "Come on, have some fun, loosen up!" You threw your hands up in the air, as you said that and started dancing to 'Party in the U.S.A.' by Miley Cyrus. Watching you swaying your hips from side to side, arms waving through the air and hair flying up and down, certainly weighted its toll on Bruce. He was so intrigued by you, that he didn't even notice that he had leaned closer to you, until you grabbed his glasses and placed them on your nose, looking better with them than he ever would. "Well?" You asked, cocking your head to the side. He gulped and stammered out: "You look beautiful." Before looking away shyly. "Aw, thanks!" You smiled and took them off, turning his head back and placing the glasses on his nose. You felt bold and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, which turned a darker shade of red. You hopped off and towards the kitchen, taking two glasses of the green beverage back, handing one to Bruce. "Here you go!" You smiled cheerfully and sat down, taking several, sips. Slightly tipsy already, you placed your head on Bruce's lap and your legs on top of the sofa. Bruce absentmindedly started petting your hair and you blissfully lay there. "Ya know, You should actually do what the button says." You blurted out, eyes still closed, as you pointed on the spot, which you thought the small button on your shirt sat. It read: Kiss me. He looked down at you and bit his lip, hesitating a bit, but surely wanting to. "Kay, got that, see ya later." You mumbled, disappointment clearly showing through your voice, opened your eyes and stood up, intending to go sulking and crying in the peace of your room. That was what you intended to do, but your wrist was grabbed and you were spun around, met by a pair of soft lips. Smiling against them, you intwined your fingers with his and parted not long after. "I take this as a sign you like me too?" You stated, sounding hopefully. The doctor smiled and nodded. "Are you free friday? Cause we could go to this nice pizzeria, if you are." You proposed, looking down at your intwined hands. "Yes, I'd love to."

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