Chapter 36

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The day is here where juwairah is going to be her co-wife. Layla never thought She'd have one to be honest. But unfortunately it is part of her destiny. Well, the happiest thing is that she's not going to be living in same house with her. But the sad thing is that She has to share her husband with someone else. Subahanallah!

Muhammad is in his room with Sabrina, while Layla just had her bath and dressing up. She decided to wear a simple yet elegant boubou by LeRouge since She is not going anywhere. Ibty and some of her cousins and are coming over to keep her company later.

She finished with a spritz of her Chanel perfume and went to Muhammad's room. He was waiting for her to come so that he could dress up for his Fatiha. She entered the room with a salam, he answered. He was sitting at the edge of the bed with Sabrina cradled in his arms.

"Muhammad, you should get ready it's almost 12" She said walking to him.

She stood in front of him. He dropped Sabrina and snaked his arms around her waist. "I don't wanna go"

She gently removed herself from his hold. "But you have to, it's your wedding day"

She felt tears in her eyes, She quickly blinked them away. He dragged and pulled her to his laps. She buried her face at the crook of his neck and sobbed. He caressed her back lightly. "Shh, baby it's all going to be alright, inshallah"

She sniffed, wiped her tears and stood up. "You should really get ready now" She said picking Sabrina from the bed and walked to the door. He dressed up and came into her room.

"Baby, I'm ready"

"You look handsome as ever, yakışıklı kocam(my handsome husband)" She said with a sad smile adjusting his cap.

"I love you Layla, always remember that." He gave her a light feathered kiss and leaned to kiss Sabrina on the cheek. With that he left for his wedding Fatiha leaving her as broken as hell!

"Layla, Sabrina's birthday is coming. What should we do?" Ibty asked

Sabrina is turning one in two weeks inshallah. How time flies. Layla's mind was far from present.

Ibty snapped her fingers. "Earth to Layla!"

"Yes? What did you say?"

Ibty repeated her question.

"I don't know really, Ni'imah is planning a party for her." She replied with a sigh. "I'm baking a massive cake for her though."

Layla starting her little bakery earlier this month. It's called 'posh little cakes' 

"Okay. I'll help." Ibty said, eating a pistachio

"Me too, I love planning events!" One of Layla's cousins, Ruqaiya said. Ibty is doing a good job keeping Layla company while her husband's at his wedding Fatiha. Ibty is more than a friend to Layla, she's her sister.

"Rahinatu, wallah pregnancy fits you."

She eyed Layla. "Look how I've grown fatter and you're saying the pregnancy fits me?! Hell Nah!"

They continued our conversation until it was past Maghreb. Ibty and the girls left after isha. Muhammad is still not back home, he called earlier to check if She was alright. Sabrina is napping so Layla decided to make some macaroons.

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