part3 blues pov

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* I saw yellow was away after saying that. I knew something was wrong with yellow but if I followed her I knew she would hear me or her Pearl would say something so I made my Pearl follow them making sure she staid far enough behind they won't see her but she could still hear what they were saying. Pearl knew I loved yellow....
-time skip-
Pearl came back a hour later as I was in my pool trying to relax. I looked at Pearl and smiled another new? I asked "yes but I think you should go see her and talk to her yourself my diamond, her Pearl and I will wait outside" she said as I frowned confused but sighed and got up making the water drain away, I get out of the pool and walked to yellows room knowing she'll be in there by now. Pearl opened the door for me as yellow and her Pearl looked at me and yellow waved her hand away signaling for her Pearl to leave as she walked out and I walked in as the door closed behind me. I sighed shakily" yellow we need to talk about something..
* After walking away from blue my Pearl asked what was wrong..she knew I don't like opening up about anything but I can't keep this a secret anymore. Knowing we were far enough away from blue,I sighed* the truth is Pearl I have loved blue for a long long time but I'm not sure if she feels the same or anything and I'm not sure how to tell her* I sighed as my Pearl nodded. A hour has past Pearl has given me advice about how to tell blue about my feelings just as I was about to go talk to her, I saw my door open and there she was I waved my Pearl off signaling her to go stand outside. After Pearl left and the door closed I heard blue say"yellow we need to talk about something" my heart stopped a little but I nodded. She came and sat down next to me and sighed* yellow...i have feelings for you...I have had these feelings ever since we came out of the ground. I love everything about you the good and the bad...*i paused blushing as I saw her turn away shyly. I smiled and hugged her from behind and said "I love you too blue and I have since we were made too" I blush brightly and moves away a little, enough for her to look at me,I smiled looking in her eyes as she turn towards me blushing I couldn't hold back anymore and kissed her. I felt her tense up but slowly relaxed and melted into the kiss. I pulled her closer laying down on my bed with her on top of me as the kiss started to get heated*

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