So uh- If you're new you probly don't know this guy either-
I kindaaa gave him a redesign? Not really- I just kind of experimented wirg his he would look with the evolution of my style-
So uH
I can't seem to draw him anymore, after this doodle, so that's not good-
But ima work on that :P
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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. A little bit of a before and after- sorry for the bad lighting :P It was dark when I took the photo xD
I think I'm making Lennon and Wren siblings, cause I drew them side by side and they kinda look alike
Have this lil hand doodle I did a while ago and never posted-
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I haven't had a lot of inspiration lately xD
Sorry- I'll try drawing some more :P I'm working on a drawing for that Doodle for Google challenge, so look forward to that-

Book of Art- 2.0
Randomuhm- My second Art book- titled book of art cuz im original and switch words around :D Okay I'm done-