✔¦¦ one abrupt confession

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Chapter 6

"Good morning, Ishiki-senpai! You look wonderful today!" Risuko energetically greeted upon meeting the said brunette who was clad with only his revealing white loincloth. The raven haired girl was still in her pyjamas with a camera in hand, brazenly taking pictures of the second year - the continuous flashing of the camera as the proof.

"It's good to see you so lively in the morning, Risuko-chan! How youthful!" Ishiki greeted back with just as much enthusiasm, a friendly smile plastered across his lips as he worked on the Polar Star Dormitory field.

I have a guess that at least seventy percent of the people reading this book are still living their youthful days. And, I'm pretty sure that you may label something as youthful in various ways. An outgoing person may find interacting with a lot of people youthful. A romantic teenager may find falling in love and having your feelings requited youthful. And, I think anyone would find living freely to the fullest, youthful. But, for a sixteen-year-old female stalker, should we even question what she finds youthful...

"Yes, youth is all about stalking cute boys!" Risuko proudly said, drooling at her captured pictures of Ishiki.

Of course it would be her favourite hobby of stalking.

"What?" Ishiki questioned, dumfounded.

"Soma-kun has a shokugeki to attend to, hasn't he?" The first-year student stated, changing the topic. The electric blue eyed male sweat dropped comically at Risuko's response before replying with an unsure nod. Risuko clapped her hands with a delighted tone, a wide, cheerful smile observed on her face. "Oh, I'm pretty sure Soma-kun will do just great against Ikumi-san!"

Ishiki wasn't that surprised that Risuko knew; in fact, it has been the talk around school since Soma was famous with a great amount of hatred from majority of the student body, while Mito Ikumi was known as Erina's accomplice -- someone working under her.

The almond-hued male was also not dense to not realize that his kouhai decided to change the topic since something not quite pleasant accidentally slipped through her tongue.

Before they could continue their conversation, a beep emitted from Risuko's direction, which sounded a lot familiar to a timer. The said girl checked her phone, where the sound was from, before raising an arm as a salute to her favourite senpai. "Well, I'll see you later, Ishiki-senpai! Have somewhere else to go to! Beep! Beep!"

Risuko imitated the roadrunner from Looney Tunes before taking a grappling hook and shooting it towards one of the windows on the dorm, shattering the glass in the process. The hazel-eyed teen laughed as a response, taking it as a joke before letting the grappling hook lead her inside one of her dorm mates' room.

"Shun-kun! Good Morning!" The eccentric student shouted, loud enough for everyone in the dorm to hear, which has probably served as their wake up call, being that it was five am in the morning. The second year male can imagine his juniors groaning from the noise and Soma sleeping soundly sprawled on his bed without a care on the world.

While the breeze blew gently, making Ishiki's white loincloth flow with the wind, Ishiki raises his hoe over his shoulder while looking at the rising sun. "How youthful..."


"Takumi! Good morning!" Risuko yelled, kicking Takumi's glass window open. Thankfully, the fragile glass didn't shatter like what had happened earlier in the dormitory (which earned our main protagonist an earful from Fumio). "Nice chest by the way."

Takumi, who was just about to button up his white uniform shirt, found his face bursting to a vibrant shade of red from embarrassment before pulling the sixteen-year-old stalker outside his room and slamming the door shut. "Never do that again, Risuko! Have some decency as a girl your age! Geez!"

𝙺𝚒𝚍𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 || Food WarsWhere stories live. Discover now