What's going on?

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Carolyn's POV:

Oh!i'm getting late.I needed to hustle just a bit for my first day of oncologist.My heart started to race with numerous considerations like "how it's being the primary day of oncologist?","how I should deal with my patients?","how I respond when my patients felt uneasy of something?".

I took my sack and styled my hair with a basic pig tail and moved down from the stairs which took me to the road.I've asked for the cabbie to take me to St.Alford's Hospital.

He took me to my destination.I gave him the passage enough to the distance.Entering the hospital,I felt like there is an odd soul entered in my body.Generally,I'll bite my left hand nails when I'm tense.But it's a weird thing here.

The emergency clinic doesn't take after like a hospital.It resembles an extravagant Hotel with numerous croton plants other than the lodges, brilliant lights and patients were smiling,doctors urged patients to recuperate from their issues.Many specialists grinned at me and I gave a reflected smirk.A nurture touched base towards me.I implored God that whether she won't impact me.

"Hi Ma'am.This is Margaret Hall.Your associate staff" a girl wore blue shirt and pants nurse costume look delighted.Her smiley face was a wonderful thing on the start of the day.But!I should earn money.If I smiled like this,in future,there are only memories remained for me.But I should grin back.

"Hi.This is Carolyn Russell.Junior Oncologist" I grinned back.

"Pleasant to meeting you ma'am.I'll take you to chairman Alexander Stephenson.He'll choose the patient who you're going to treat" saying this Margaret took me to Alexander Stephenson's lodge.

Following Margaret I entered Stephenson's chamber.

"May I come in.Sir" Margaret opened the door with her left hand and holding some files in her right hand look for Stephenson's permission."Yeah come in" Stephenson allowed his consent.

Margaret and I entered the lodge and Margaret acquainted me with Stephenson said "Sir!She is Carolyn Russell"."Nice to meet you Miss Carolyn" Stephenson welcomed me with a twinkle in his eye.

His lodge is resembling a star lodging with an insect roof light.His room has an A/C,his table with his effects and a bed to test the patient.I want to be in his seat after some duration.

"Much obliged to you sir" I said gesturing my head vertically with a little nervousness.My palms were getting wet because of perspiration.

"Quiet down Carolyn.Here no one will snatch you.I'm not a beast" Stephenson broke a joke to make inhale easy.Sounds hilarious.

Margaret remained behind me watching me and Stephenson.

"Margaret!Take Carolyn to fourth floor, room no:- 401,bed no:- 17 persistent who is enduring with Acute Myeloid Leukemia" Stephenson recommends Margaret holding his pen in his right hand moving in air.

"Come Carolyn" Margaret took me to fourth floor.

It's a bizarre thing for me to treat disease patients with various mindsets.My first case is persistent with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.I've entered the fourth floor alongside Margaret.

Presently she consumed me to space no:- 401.When we entered the room.I've seen that a few patients were sleeping,some patients were interfacing with specialists.

"By what means will be the patient on bed no:- 17?Is the patient is tall or short?Are they carry on like a companion or foe?Are they male or female?" Thinking this I'm strolling towards bed no:- 17.

"Ma'am!We arrived the bed no:- 17" Margaret conveyed me to the real world.

Margaret opened the blue drape which encompassed the bed.I'm horrendously flabbergasted to see the patient.

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