Fresh Start

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Tj pov

I had just moved into town. I have been adopted by yet another family and as I started seeing houses I new I was getting closer to my new family. I listened to my music instead of listening to the lady in the front seat trying to talk to me about stuff I've heard a million times before. We pulled up into a driveway and I was ecstatic but also nervous. I had met the family before, but now I'm moving in with them.

I walked up to the door starting to take my earplugs out, I didn't want to be rude to them. I guess they had been waiting for me because my new mom pulled me into a hug as soon as the door opens. I hugged back and smiled. Finally a place I could call home.

"How are you Tj?" She asked, "I'm so glad you're here! You can just sit your bags down over here, I'll call Amber to come help you". Amber was their daughter that is now also my sister.

When I first talked to Amber I didn't know much about her but eventually after we bonded on certain things, we became best friends. "Okay then, thank you so much". I spoke, "No need to thank me sweetie". I set my bags down and turn around to see a man coming from what I assumed was the kitchen area.

"Your here!" He stated. He walked up to me and shook my hand firmly. "Great seeing you again Tj", "it's good seeing you too Marcus" "please, you can call me dad now". "Right" I said as I smile lightly. "AMBER," My new mom called out.

The blonde headed girl came down the stairs. "What do you guys wa- TJ!" She gave me a tight hug. "Your finally here", "ya" she smiled. "Amber help him carry his bags to his room." "Right, come on Tj."

We stop at a room with dark blue walls and one black wall where the bed was. The bed had a mix of black and blue and there was a desk in the corner of the room. I can't believe they did this for me. I loved my new room. Amber had put my bags in the middle of the floor.

"This is where you stay now", "thanks amber" "no problem teej ". She walked out and left me alone so I could unpack. I unzipped my bag zipper and started pulling out clothes and putting them in draws.

When I finished inpackung and putting my stuff away. I started to walk towards amber' room. "I wonder what she's doing," I thought.

Ambers pov

Tj had just got here and I led him to his room. He followed me and I opened the door for him. His face had lit up at the sight of the room. Tj was going to be my little brother despite the fact he was taller than me and I am so excited!. I had always wanted a sibling I could talk too about anything.

I set his bags down in the middle of his floor for him to grab and I said "this is where you stay now" I smiled at him. He smiled back and thanked me.

I left the room for him to unpack his things, as I made my way towards my room I heard buzzing. I sped up and grabbed my phone from of my bed. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the name. I smiled and answered my phone.

"Hey amber" it was Andi. Me and her have been going out for at least 2 months now. "Hey, how are you." "great, I called to see if your new brother came yet," she said sounding excited.

"yeah, I actually just came back from his room," I replied. "Cool, I can't wait to meet him. Cyrus wanted to come too if that's ok, I asked Buffy but she said she was busy with practice." "Yeah that's fine with me." "Okay babe text me later." I hung up the phone and saw a intrigued Tj.

Tj' pov

I had walked over to amber' room and the door was wide open. I peeked my head in to see what she was doing but she was talking to someone. I usually don't eavesdrop but this had just happened on accident. Kind of.

I heard the person on the phone say "Cyrus wanted to come too if that's okay." I then step into her doorway and stood there. I then leaned on the door frame Waiting for her to get done talking. She had finally hung up her phone and took a moment before looking at me.

"Who was that." I questioned mischievously. "Just one of my friends." she answered. "I didn't know friends called you 'babe'." Her face was dusted pink as she stood up walking towards me.

"Fine then it was my girlfriend." she stated. I looked at her and realized I'm not the only one. "So your lesbian." I asked. "Yep." she said popping the 'p' at the end.

"Good to know I'm not alone." Her eyes got wider and her mouth started to open. "Your gay." "Yep." Imitating her from earlier.

"I knew I felt something about you." she said making her eyebrows go up. "I just wasn't sure about."

"Now we can relate even more." I said giggling at amber who started to laugh too.

"Does mom and dad know?" "Yeah, they were really supportive about it too." "I think you should tell them teej, they will understand completely." "You're right," I nodded.

I'm not gonna lie, I was a little nervous about telling the people I just moved in with that I was gay. Amber gave me a reassuring smile and patted my shoulder. I know she said they would accept me but coming out isn't very easy.

"I promise you'll be fine Tj". She went back to her room and closed the door in my face. I grinned and sighed. walking back to my room. I closed the door and sat on my bed thinking about what I could say to them. That's when a doorbell was rung and I got kicked from my thoughts.

I walked out my room again to see amber doing the same. She rush down the stairs while I lazily followed her to see who was here. She opened the door to a girl almost the same height as her. "Hey Amber." I realized the voice from the phone and I started grinning at the back of amber' head.

"Hey andi, this is Tj" she said as she stepped to the side. "Hi Tj, I'm andi, it's nice to meet you." She said with a bright smile. "Nice to meet you too." I said smiling back.

A boy entered the house looking around and his eyes landed on me. "This is Cyrus." Amber said as she started to smirk at me.

I was staring at him and he looked up to me and stared back. "Hey." I finally said. "Hi." He replied looking away slightly. Amber was grinning even harder and so was andi.

Hey guys! Update to chapter one.
Special thanks to Randfanboy for helping me edit, this guy is amazing.
Please give me your thoughts in this chapter so far. Thanks!

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