New 'Friend'

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I couldn't believe we really kissed! It was everything I wanted in that moment.

I walked to my locker to get my books for first period when I saw two people walking towards me. Obviously it was Andi and Buffy so I turned around and shut my locker.

"Where were you yesterday!" Buffy seemed annoyed.

"I was with someone"

"Who was that someone" Andi jumped in.

"It was Tj"

Buffy's eyes got wider

"Why were you with him Cyrus!"

I shrugged at her.

"Your always with him and you stop hanging out with us, why do you have to hang out with him all the time!"

"I-I have a crush on him okay."

"We know that Cyrus, but that doesn't mean you can just stop hanging out with us completely."

"I know I'm sorry"

She looked at me than her face softened a little.

"Look Cyrus, all I'm asking you to do is to hangout with us" she gestured between her and Andi.

They started walking away but I had to tell them about yesterday.

"Guys wait!"

"What now"

"I-um we-w-we"

"Come on cyrus"

"Tj and I kissed"

Andi's jaw dropped while Buffy widened her eyes.

"You did what"

"Oh my god cyrus"

"Im sorry guys"

"Im not mad cyrus im actually the opposite of that"

"So your not gonna stop being my friends"

"Cyrus, you kissed your crush! I'm so proud of you"

"Thanks Buffy"

"We should probably get to first period though."

"Oh right"

I was happy that my friends weren't as mad as I'd thought they would be. But now i have to start hanging out with them more than Tj. I'd rather not think about that right now.


It was lunch time and I sat with Andi and Buffy like I always do. I waited for Tj to get there so he could get me my muffin but he was later than usual. I didn't think much of it.

I saw someone approaching me from the corner of my eye and I thought it was Tj but when I turned around fully I wasn't Tj at all.

It was another blonde person but he was shorter than Tj but taller than me. His eyes were blue, bluer than Tj's.

He smiled at me.

"Hey there"


Why am I nervous?

"Mind if I sit?"

"N-no not at all"

He sat down next to me. He was awfully close to me but I didn't think anything of it until he got closer to the point where my legs were touching his.

"You okay?"

"Y-yea Im f-fine"

"I wanted to talk to you actually"

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