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(A/N) Hey guys!! I honestly don't know how to describe what I just wrote. It's cheesy, very cheesy. I don't know what it is, but just bear with me, alright, and keep reading. ;)

they look so good i'm fucking quaking

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they look so good i'm fucking quaking.
Roger's P.O.V
I felt my eyelids flutter open, and I let out a small groan after the blinding sun hit my eyes. The golden rays of sunshine had somehow managed to shine through the thick, embroidered curtains that covered the enormous French doors.

The golden light gave the whole room a dreamy, summer morning haze, and the dust particles floating around gave the whole scene a nice touch.

I looked at my surroundings, confused as to where I was. All I knew was that I was somewhere near a beach, due to faint sounds of waves clashing against each other, and the distant smell of salt. The room's walls were painted a soft, Caroline Blue, and the wooden furniture was cleverly colored a soft shade of white, blending in perfectly with the whole beach-aesthetic.

I lazily turned my head to the right, and was pleasantly surprised with the angel-like woman sleeping soundly next to me. Her breaths came out even and soft, and her long, messy hair was strewn all over the soft pillow. That woman was Y/N, my girlfriend.

No. She was my wife.

Finally, everything came rushing back to me. I had married this gorgeous creature about a week ago, and now we were on our honeymoon in Cancun, a location that Y/N had always dreamed of visiting. And me, being the amazing partner I am, surprised her with tickets to this paradise-like area in Mexico.

I also remembered what had gone down last night. The ghost of Y/N's sweet voice moaning my name echoed in my mind, and I felt goosebumps envelop my whole body at the memory of her small, delicate hands exploring every inch of my body. She never disappointed when it came to night's like the previous.

And of course, we drank and smoked afterwards, explaining why I couldn't seem to remember anything today.

I examined Y/N's sleeping figure closely. I loved the way the sun hit her delicate little face. It highlighted her nose, and it gave her cheekbone's a natural, soft glow. Her rosy pink lips resembled the beautiful roses that would sprout during Spring, giving the dull world a little bit of color. In my eyes, she was my own Greek goddess.

  Y/N was easily the most breathtaking woman I had ever laid my eyes on. I reached out and caressed her face, touching her as if she were a delicate glass sculpture that would shatter at even the slightest contact. I kept doing so for a few moments before planting a small, soft kiss on her semi-smooth forehead. Sure, she had some imperfections here and there, but they only added to her own, authentic perfection. She blinked three times, before her big, beautiful eyes opened completely.

She looked so adorable.

Y/N gave me a warm, loving smile, which threatened to make my heart stop beating entirely.

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