Chapter 37 : The Battle Begins

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It was still night as you had just opened your eyes, you fell asleep on the deck while wearing my civilian clothes and you noticed that Tylketsu was still hanging on the hook. You stayed laying down on the ground looking up at the sky. A noise gains your curiosity when you look over to see a bunch of missiles head towards the ship. You decided to stay in my civilian clothes and you quickly jumped in mid air tanking a missile right in the face. You grabbed another missile chucking it at another one causing both to explode. You couldn't stop them all some manage to hit the ship.

You: C-C-Crap my powers are slowly draining. Huh?

You looked down to see a giant cover emerge from the water. It tried to sink the ship so you went in fast and hit it hard. The power of your punch formed a hole in the giant cover which freed a lot of people. You felt your power draining more and more due to lack of sun light. It got to the point where you started to slowly descend to the ground but you had no choice you had to go recharge before I can keep the fight up. You saw Mako had a Goku Uniform so they should be fine without you.

You: Hey guys... I need to go recharge my power can you handle this?

Sanageyama: Just go already.

Gamagori: Everyone needs to be at full strength so get going (L/N)!

You: Thanks...

You flew up into outer space getting closer to the sun, the cold vacuum wasn't a problem for you. The closer you got to the sun the more you felt energized but ypu stopped at a fair distance due to the fact you don't want to over do it.

No One's POV

Mako started fighting the cover while Gamagori, Sanageyama and Nonon all pitched in to help. With Superman gone they had to do it the hard way. Ryuko and Satsuki got closer to the Primodial Life Fiber. Ragyo was waiting there for them which the sight of her enraged Ryuko.

Ryuko: Ragyo! How dare you force me to wear an outfit I wouldn't be caught dead in?! This time, I'll rip the clothes off your back!

Ryuko readied both scissor blades while speeding up to strike Ragyo.

Ragyo: Oh, dear. That is hardly any way for a 17-year-old lady to speak.

Ragyo pulled two blades out from the Primodial Life Fiber and clashed with Ryuko.

Ryuko: What the...?

Ragyo: I'll remake you two, starting from the dress patterns on up!

Satsuki came in trying to strike Ragyo but Ragyo clashed with both Ryuko and Satsuki.

Satsuki: That's...

Ragyo: These blades are ultra-hardened Life Fibers. The Scissor Blade and Bakuzan were both created based on this. The beginning and end of all things can be found here within the Original Life Fiber.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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