Speach Therapy (A Humanstuck Erisol Fanfic)

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 Dear Fef,

         I knoww wwhat i'vve done. I knoww wwhat i'vve said but despite evverything please believve me wwhen i say i am so sorry. I shouldn't havve done wwhat i did, and i shouldnt havve said wwhat i said. If you could evver forgivve me--hell evven just talk to me again--cod i'd givve the wworld for that.

        I dunno, i'm guessing as soon as you saww wwho sent it you immediately threww this awway, but if you are reading this, please believve me. Please forgivve me. Please just don't hate me.



        Eridan sat in the office, staring frustrated at the lady at the front desk, as if this angry look could get his appointment over any quicker. She looked up at him,seeming to be a little shocked by the grumpy hipster's glare.

             His glasses where slid a bit down his nose, so his violet eyes could be more clearly seen despite the thick framed hipster glasses covering part of his lightly freckle-dusted face. His brunette hair was slicked up in the front, a streak of lighter hair up the center 

        The desk lady looked at him for a moment, before looking away, and back to her computer, typing away. He rolled his eyes, burrowing his face deeper into his scarf.

        A light click came from the door, which swung open, a figure walking in. if standing back to back with eridan they probably wouldve been about the same height. Honey colored hair topped his head, which was pointed towards the desk lady, his face unseen to eridan.

        The desk lady looked up at him, smiling slightly

        "Sollux captor?"


        "He's ready for you"


        "W-What?!" eridan stood up "I hawe been w-waitin here for an hour and i get no serwice and the second he comes in--"

        Sollux turned around, raising an eyebrow to the angry hipster before him. blue and red glasses slid down his nose, one blue and one brown eye staring at him from above them. Eridan glared at him, arms crossed.

        This is where the trouble began


So this is just a new thing i guess, i've had the idea a while, and things will get interesting after a while, and i'm still deciding a few things, but im writing an erisol fic and trying this whole blackrom thing. :P

        Welp comment/follow/vote/etc


        PS: *speech



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