Chapter 21 Exiled

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Earlier that day in city NEST soldiers were collecting the remains of some of the dead Decepticons. Some police cars was parked around the sites. That's when Barricade pulled up. Then the passenger door opened and Frenzy jumped out.

Barricade: be careful. And don't get spotted.

Frenzy then said, "Don't worry about me, Barricade," in a unknown alien language. Then the door closed and Barricade drove away with his police lights flashing and his siren blaring. Frenzy then snuck his way into the site. It was hard. NEST soldiers and police officers were everywhere. But Frenzy was able to successfully sneak his way through. Eventually Frenzy climbed into the back of a NEST truck and transformed to his radio mode. A soldier then jumped into the back of that truck and noticed the radio. He was confused but he didn't really care. Later after all the soldiers returned to base someone put Frenzy on a glass table in a dark corner. When no one was around Frenzy transformed and snuck away. What he didn't know was that Wheelie was in his vehicle mode

 What he didn't know was that Wheelie was in his vehicle mode

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parked with his back to the wall, and he spotted him.

Wheelie: Frenzy? What are you doing here?

Wheelie then started to tail him. Frenzy was sneaking all around the base, and he didn't know that Wheelie was following him. Eventually Wheelie tailed Frenzy all the way to the Autobots spaceship. After he saw Frenzy secretly aboard the ship Wheelie transformed and skated across the floor and boarded the ship. He followed him all the way to the main cockpit. Wheelie was spying on him from around the corner. And he noticed Frenzy took off a piece of the floor and triggered a bomb and dropped it in the floor and put the piece back on.

Wheelie: Oh no. I've got to warn the others.

As Wheelie was slowly backing up he accidentally made something fall, which alerted Frenzy. When Frenzy turned around and saw Wheelie he was surprised and angry.

Frenzy: I've been compromised. No witnesses.

Then Wheelie quickly turned around and sped away and Frenzy ran really fast after him.

Wheelie: You're never gonna catch me.

Eventually Frenzy tackled Wheelie and they both rolled all the way out of the ship and in the middle of the floor, and Frenzy had Wheelie pinned to the ground.

Wheelie: What are you doing?

Frenzy: Autobots exiled! Invasion!

Wheelie: Don't hurt me.

Frenzy: It is too late for that.

Then as Frenzy was about to kill Wheelie Frenzy is soon interrupted when Grimlock steps on his body. Frenzy was squirming around when he was pinned down by Grimlock's foot. Then Grimlock bit Frenzy's head off and ate it.

Wheelie: Whoo. Thanks, Grimlock.

Grimlock then roars in the air. A few hours later a Autobot convoy was approaching the spaceships. The Autobot convoy was Optimus, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Arcee, Chromia, Jolt, Dino, Que, Drift, Crosshairs, Hound, Hot Rod, Leadfoot, Topspin, Roadbuster, and Omega. Wheelie and Brains was riding in Bumblebee. By the time Alex, Zoey, Tyzon, River, and Korban got there all the Autobots were in robot mode boarding the ship. They're all outside standing by the ship. Optimus walks up to Alex and kneels down.

Optimus: We have disappointed you and your people. I said we would take care of the Decepticons and I let everyone down. I let you down.

Alex: You didn't let me down. That just makes you one of us.

So then Alex and Optimus had a long heartfield stare down.

Alex: So, I guess this is goodbye.

Optimus: I guess it is.

Alex: Will we ever see you again?

Optimus: Alex Ross, I don't know. But whenever you gaze up at the stars think of us watching over you.

Then Optimus rose up off the ground.

Optimus: We won't forget you.

So then Optimus walked away towards the ship.

Optimus: Guardians, hurry up, we're leaving soon.

Then the Autobot guardians were giving final goodbyes to their people. Bumblebee approached Alex looking sad and his doors on his back was hanging down. He took a knee and talked to Alex.

Alex: Why didn't you tell me.

Bumblebee had squeaked in sadness.

Alex: Look, I understand that you're sad right now but you could have at least told me.

Bee: I know.

Alex: I would say to tell me next time but there won't be a next time.

Then Bumblebee put on his mask so Alex won't see his sad face.

Alex: Come on, Bee. Show me your face.

So his mask came off.

Alex: So, I guess you have to go.

Bee: I don't want to go. But they need me. Young fella, you are my friend, Alex.

Optimus: Bumblebee, come on.

Bee: I gotta be going on.

Then Bumblebee rose up and walked away.

Que: I just don't like this. Not one bit.

Ironhide: We have to do what we have to do.

Crosshairs: Man, I'm going to miss this planet.

Drift: This is not right.

Omega: Just got to this planet and now I have to leave.

Hot Rod: Bee, are you okay?

Bumblebee then looked back at Alex who looked disappointed.

Bee: Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most human.

Minutes later both of the ships took off.

Zoey: I guess that's it.

Alex: I guess it is.

Voices Bumblebee Used
"I don't want to go. But" Spoken by Ben Barber in Ride Along 2. "They need me" Spoken by Woody in Toy Story 2. "Young fella, you are" Spoken by Chris Farley. "My friend" Spoken by Spock played by Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. "I know" Spoken by Brian Harriot in The Walking Dead. "I gotta be going on" Spoken by Alan Ladd in Shane. "Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most human" Spoken by James T. Kirk played by William Shatner in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

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