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"I will look at you across any room and think you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen for as long as I breathe."

- A.R. Asher

Is this really love? She asked herself every day when she was falling apart, piece by piece. She didn't know she had been busy with the wrong person all along and when she finally accepted it, she changed. She was broken inside yet together outside, burnt inside but soft outside, weak inside but fierce outside. She realized that she deserved more, someone who makes you wanna love yourself more and more every day, someone who truly cares, someone in whose arms she's home, someone who loves her. She did find that someone and that someone is her forever.

Seo Hyun was disappointed to come home to a silent house. She just returned home after meeting Sehun. The two of them were out to enjoy some time together after a long time. He just couldn't stop talking about his 'the one' all the time and Seo Hyun couldn't stop smiling, happy seeing her best friend who finally was sure about who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Speaking of the one, she checked her phone to see any missed calls or text from her 'the one'. She placed her handbag on the couch and walked towards their bedroom.

"Baek-"she stopped when her eyes met the beautiful scene. She was grinning from ear to ear when she saw Baekhyun sleeping on the bed with their daughter sprawled on his chest. She took a picture of this and decided to join them. She covered herself with the duvet and put Baekhyun's arm around her before snuggling into his chest. The male slowly opened his eyes and took in the surroundings. He placed his arm around his daughter before placing her gently beside him when he noticed his wife looking at him.

"You came." He spoke in a raspy voice and pulled her closer so that their noses kissed. "And I found you enjoying yourself with Baekhee which made me jealous." He sleepily giggled and kissed her forehead. "Did she cry? Did you feed her? Don't tell me-"She would've continued on and on if Baekhyun wouldn't have silenced her with a peck on her lips. "I fed her and then I sung her to sleep and no, she didn't cry while she was with me. She only cries when she is with you. I am her favorite." He answered and earned a slap on his arm.

"How was your time with Sehun?"

"We had fun. That love-struck moron couldn't stop gushing about So Hee. He told me to tell you that he is having a game session with Chanyeol on Saturday and you are invited." Baekhyun's eyes were wide open now and quickly sat up in excitement. Seo Hyun looked at him with raised brows and narrowed her eyes. "I wish I had that effect on you. You do love games more than you love me, don't you?" She pouted and got out of the bed before covering Baekhee properly. "I was going to tell you the truth but now that you know, it is easier for me to explain." Baekhyun smirked making Seo Hyun gasp. He placed her arms around her middle but she smacked his arms away and raced towards the living room before he could catch her.

"You do know that I run faster than you, right?" Baekhyun traced the path of Seo Hyun as she ran out of the kitchen and jumped over the couch with Baekhyun on the other side. Her insides were aching from laughing and she couldn't run more. She was just going to run when Baekhyun spun her around causing both of them land on the couch. Baekhyun pinned her to the couch as Seo Hyun struggled to get up. "You win." She sighed in defeat and just when Baekhyun was leaning down to kiss her she kicked him in the crotch. Baekhyun winced in pain and looked at her in disbelief. "You think you could win? Who's the loser now?" She folded her arms and stuck her tongue at him.

"Why did I marry you?" Baekhyun asked as he half-crawled and half-walked to the kitchen. "Because you love me." She grinned at him and sat on the kitchen-counter. "But that was cheating. First, you accuse me of cheating on you with a game and then you kick me in the crotch. You cannot blame an innocent man-"He was cut off by Seo Hyun who pulled him by the collar and placed her lips on his. It didn't take long for Baekhyun to surrender to the kiss and he titled his head to deepen the kiss. Seo Hyun tugged at his hair as he bit her lower lip. His hands had just started to graze her thigh when a voice interrupted them.

"Can both of you stop making out whenever we visit you?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he pulled himself way from his wife and looked at Chanyeol. Seo Hyun straightened her dress and shyly looked away. "Can you stop barging into our house whenever we are enjoying ourselves?" Baekhyun smacked Chanyeol on his head while Myung Hee, his girlfriend teased Seo Hyun.

After the bickering, the females settled on the couch and the males were in the kitchen. Sunday was the day when both the couples would spend some time together and males would cook. As much as both the women were concerned about the mess the men would make in the kitchen, they decided to let it go every Sunday. "Where's my favorite girl?" Chanyeol asked and both Seo Hyun and Myung Hee answered 'here'. "Hey! Seo Hyun, you are my favorite girl." Baekhyun yelled making both of them giggle. "Where's my youngest favorite girl?" Chanyeol scanned the surroundings.

"She is sleeping inside. I think I should wake her up, she must be hungry." Seo Hyun answered and went inside the bedroom and returned with Baekhee in her arms after a few minutes. The 2 year old was clearly irritated and hid her face in her mother's collarbone. Her mother caressed her back as she carried her to the kitchen. "Hey, sweetie." Chanyeol cooed and took her in his arms. Baekhee's eyes seemed to lit up on seeing her uncle. She giggled on seeing her uncle making everyone around her smile.

This is how Seo Hyun's life turned out to be. She was blind and lost but when he came, everything just became so much more beautiful and exciting. She found herself with him and with him she found love.

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