Drabble Request #1

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"Come over here and make me." W/ Delsin Rowe

The day that you realized that you had powers was by far one of the worst days of your life; but your parents were adamant that they would never turn you over to the DUP. You wanted to believe that but would the rest of the Akomish share your parents' sentiment? Amongst the Akomish, you made a great deal of friends; people whom you care for greatly. So you hid your powers for a year and a half. You trained yourself in secret; you learned what you could do with your ability. Training was the difficult part because your abilities centered around being able to manipulate electricity; so finding a discreet way to practice wasn't easy. Coincidentally, the year that your power surfaced was also the year that Salmon Bay experienced a record-breaking amount of mysterious power outages.

The second worst day of your life came when a vehicle transporting conduits traveled through Salmon Bay; the vehicles overturned and the conduits inside escaped. Shortly after, Delsin helped one of the escapees whom you would learn later was a convicted criminal and conduit. That was also the day that Delsin discovered his own powers and the day that you had to tell your best friend that you had been keeping a secret from him for over a year. Under the circumstances, Delsin took the revelation rather well once he had calmed down but Reggie was visibly unnerved by your conduit status.

It only got worse as you and Delsin had to reveal yourselves to the tribe in order to save Betty from the burning fish cannery. Even Betty, seemed to be in shock and she seemed slightly scared of you; it was disheartening for you. After a brief fight with the conduit that gave Delsin his power the two of you stumbled out of the cannery and straight into the DUP.

The only thing that you remember about the confrontation with Augustine was that she refused to believe that you and Delsin were conduits. A few too many shards of concrete in your legs and arms created too much pain for you to bear and you eventually passed out. You woke up with a start and realized that you were in the lodge which had been made into a temporary hospital. Astoundingly, when you looked over your previously grievous wounds you were shocked to find that the concrete was gone and you were in no pain.

You made your way through the hospital and had to hold back tears when you saw how many of your friends that Augustine had hurt. Your anger only grew when you noticed that Betty had several shards of concrete imbedded in her leg; at the moment she was asleep and you took comfort knowing she was at peace for the moment. As you continued to walk you heard Delsin and Reggie arguing over their plan to go to Seattle and find Augustine so that Delsin could obtain her power and help the Akomish. You quickly interjected, "I'm coming with you."

Delsin whipped around and pulled you into a tight hug, "Y/N, thank god you're okay! I guess the two of us have been out for quite a while..."

You hugged Delsin back before pulling away, "Well, I heard the plan already and I'm in."

Reggie shook his head, "No, not going to happen. I already have to worry about keeping Delsin out of trouble... you're not going."

You sighed, "Reggie, I'm a Conduit and I can take care of myself. Besides, I'll watch Delsin's back and he'll watch mine."

Delsin spoke up, obviously eyeing your backside, "At least the view is nice..."

You laughed good naturedly, "Now is not the time Delsin. Let's go..."

It was a long and difficult journey but you had always wanted to travel up to Seattle one day; minus navigating a collapsing bridge and being shot at by dozens of heavily armed soldiers. Reggie was the one who came up with the idea of trying to leech some concrete powers off of a modified D.U.P. soldier. It failed and you suggested that Delsin might only be able to syphon powers directly from a conduit. You were the obvious choice in that experiment which thankfully proved successful.

Now you were sitting on the roof of an apartment building trying to help Delsin use his new electricity power but he was having a rough time with it. So far Delsin had only been able to conjure sparks; you were attempting to get Delsin to manipulate his electric powers to form a ball of electricity in the palm of his hands. However, he was getting more and more upset, "This is ridiculous! Y/N, how did you learn to control your powers?"

You sighed sadly, "You saw exactly how I learned to control my powers; it took time, Del." Delsin gave you a sad look as he no doubt recalled seeing you isolating yourself from everyone at odd hours just to learn some control, so you brushed the topic aside and moved closer to him, "Alright, how about a crash course?"

He looked at you hesitantly, "A crash course? Okay as long as it helps..."

You giggled, "Okay, close your eyes. I want you to imagine the electricity moving its way up from your feet. Focus on it and will it to move all the way to your fingertips." To punctuate your point, you got behind Delsin and ran your hand all the way up his back, to his shoulders, and down his arm. You felt Delsin's muscles tense and then relax under your touch, "Feel the current traveling through your body; focus your energy into your hands and let it build."

When you trailed your hand down his back once more, Delsin suddenly stiffened and a quick jolt of electricity crackled out of his hands. You burst out laughing, only to laugh harder when you noticed that Delsin was in fact blushing, "It's not funny! Stop laughing, Y/N." You couldn't help as you continued to laugh uncontrollably, "Seriously, Y/N, stop laughing..."

You backed away from him with a giggle and a mischievous smile, "Come over here and make me."

Before you could even think of running, Delsin had you pinned against a door; desire flashed in his eyes before he roughly leaned down to capture your lips. The kiss was warm, passionate, and loving; it just felt right and the way your bodies fit together was perfect as if you were made for each other. You and Delsin both pulled back for air and the look he was giving you was intense, you smiled up at him, "In all seriousness, you are getting better at this Del."

He gave you another mischievous grin, "Does that mean I get a reward?" You laughed breathily before pulling him down into another kiss.

*Sorry I know that the reader's powers are like Cole's but I thought it would be a cute in this particular scene.

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