Chapter 29

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Seth POV:

"Hey JoJo, why don't you just pick anyone channel?" I ask as she flips the television channels over and over again.

"There is nothing good on TV." She comes towards me and sits on my lap. I smile and lean slightly to take my phone from the bedside table. Suddenly she shakes me, "Uncle Seth, just look here who is this?"

I regain my position and swallow uneasily when I see Dean on the television. I sit here with my mouth opens wide. I am unprepared to see him anywhere at this particular moment.

I grip JoJo's hand tightly and find myself struggling for breath as my anxiety overwhelms me. "What happened, Uncle Seth?" She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

I couldn't response myself so she yells, "Mom, just come here and look at Uncle Seth!"

After few minutes, Galina comes to the room and notices that I am in a panic attack. She looks around and sees Dean on the television so she switches off it.

She then pulls JoJo aside and springs into action, grasping my hand as she pulls me against her chest, urging me to breath, "Shh, it's okay Seth, you can take all of the time you need, alright? Just breath, okay? In and out."

As my vision begins to swirl, I try to breath but I couldn't. She soothes my back, "Just breath, everything will be alright."

Letting my eyes close, I concentrate on her voice and begin to take breaths, slowly feeling the tension in my chest ease. As I calm down, I open my eyes and let her go.

JoJo places her hand on her mom's shoulder, "Mom, what happened to Uncle Seth?"

"He is sick so don't disturb him for few hours, baby." She pats her shoulder and looks at me, "Just take some rest and don't think too much."

I nod and then she takes JoJo with her and leaves the room.

I feel uneasy so I stand up from the bed and take the hoodie before pull it over my head. I sigh as I leave the room and tell Galina that I need some fresh air so I'm just going out for a walk and I will be back soon.

I step out of the house and close the door behind me. My eyes focus on the ground as I slowly walk down on the sidewalk. My feet are numb, leading me around blindly.

I try not to think, not to let that day to take over my mind as I walk. I don't want to remember. I just want to forget, forget it all.

My lungs begin to burn, gasping for little puffs of breath, the tears start to grow on my eyes. I feel the rain starts, fat and heavy drops hitting me hard. I feel a sob rack through me as I duck into an alleyway, resting back against the cold brick.

I want to forget how much I cared about Dean, want to forget how much I cried for him and asked him not to leave me. I want to forget the feeling of our lips touching, the way it had caused my heart to race with affection. I want to forget how good it had felt to be with him.

Another sob pushes through me, my body lowering to the concrete. I pull my knees against my chest, everything around me easily becoming soaked, including myself right down to my skin. I wish the rain could wash it all away, washing my thoughts with Dean.

I'm not sure how long I sit here in the rain, nor do I know when the tears had stopped. I just sit here numb, emotionless, almost hollow feeling.

I look up, the rain thinning out until it finally stops. It is getting warmer, the sun starts to peek out through the clouds.

I breath deeply as I struggle to stand, my clothes heavy from the water. I wonder when I see two guys standing a little further down in the alley. I want to go through that way so I pluck up my courage to walk closer to them but stop when I overheard what they are discussing.

"We want to execute our plan to surprise our boss and get rewards from him."

"We need to wait until he get out of his house."

Oh, shit! That didn't sound good at all. I take a few steps back slowly and gasp when my foot comes in contact with a tin on the ground. The noise makes them to look over at me. Before I move, I am pressed up against the wall by one of them.

"How much of that did you hear?" The man hisses.

"I didn't hear any of it, I swear!" I cry.

"We can't take any chances, not with this." The man roughly covers my mouth with his large hand. He smiles psychotically and my eyes widen in horror as I feel him tying my wrists behind my back with the ropes tightly.

The man grabs me by my arm and takes me to their car.

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