Chapter 66

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Seth POV:

When I try to shot the gun, Kevin comes behind me and tries to take the gun off my hands. I push him away and shot the gun right in his direction to show him that I will kill him if he tries to near me again.

I point the gun at the right of my forehead and press the trigger but this time Dean saves me. He changes the direction of the gun and it shots right against the wall.

He slaps my face hard and glares at me, "What would you think, huh? I'll live in this world without you. Never. Without Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose is nothing.." Tears start to form on his blue orbs and it makes me heartbroken.

"I'm sorry," I cry loudly and let out all the emotions that I hold in my heart. I pull him into a hug and hold him tightly.

We pull away from each other when we hear a clapping sound behind us. "Woah! Woah! Woah! What a love story! Just see, it gives me goosebumps.." He says and throws his arms in the air.

I swallow hard as I look at the craziest expression in Randy's face. Dean pulls me behind him before faces Randy with an equal craziest look, "You called me for a fight, here I'm. If you have guts, come and kill me."

I try to stop him from getting into a fight but he doesn't hear my words. He pushes me backward to create more space between him and Randy but Nakamura catches me and holds me with him.

"Dean," I call him and try to get out of Nakamura's hold but he doesn't let me.

Dean grits his teeth and tries to save me but Randy hits him right up in the face. He stumbles back and tries to hit him but Randy kicks him in the stomach and throws him over the chair.

I try to free my hands from Nakamura but he grips his hold even tighter. Tears flow down on my cheeks as I see Dean suffering in front of me. "Dean," I cry out for him and force my leg to walk towards him.

Dean POV:

No matter in my experience, I couldn't have anticipated how that simple slap from Randy knocked me halfway across the room. When I hear Seth's voice, I try to roll off and fall on my ass, jarring my tailbone and getting a little dizzy.

"Oww, the little superstar can't have the strength to continue the fight!" Randy crouches down to watch me, grinning and vicious.

"Oww, the little superstar can't have the strength to continue the fight!" Randy crouches down to watch me, grinning and vicious

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I spit at him, snarling obscenities when he reaches out to grab me. He moves to grab me again but I piston my leg back and kick him in the face as hard as I can. The heel of my boot catches him right on the cheek.

I expect to hear the crunch of bone but he staggers back and fumbles when his calf bumps against an unmoving chair. His right-hand goes up to touch the place that I had kicked but the left remains clench tight around whatever it is that he holds there.

"You fucker!" He yells at me and tries to hit me. I make my way to the door and see him following me behind. That time, I manage to sidestep around him and punch him hard in the ribs even though I feel like it just does more damage to my knuckles than to him.

He turns and tries to sweep my legs, snarling. I stumble but didn't fall, backing up to put a little more distance between us. The next time that he lunges at me, I shift my weight and lean into it.

When he tries to yank away, I grab him around the wrist of his clenched hand and bite down hard on his arm. My teeth sink in a couple of inches below the elbow but it isn't blooded that flood my mouth.

I cough and choke a little bit, digging my teeth further. I just hope to fuck that it isn't poisonous. He screams and tries to shake me loose. I lock both my hands around his left wrist.

He whips his arm to the side and hits me hard even strong than before. He grabs me by the collar and throws me in the air. It makes me crash directly towards one of the glass windows.

Seth forces to get away that idiot and runs to me, "Dean.." He pulls me against his chest and holds me tightly. Randy grabs Seth by his hair and tries to pull him away from me but Roman comes there like wind and punches him hard in the face.

 Randy grabs Seth by his hair and tries to pull him away from me but Roman comes there like wind and punches him hard in the face

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He turns to look at us and nods at me before yelling, "Run, you idiot!"

He then turns to Randy and growls at him, "I'll kill you for interfering with my brother's life!" He runs towards him, spearing him to the ground.

I stumble back when a short, fat man punches me in the face and grabs Seth by the shirt, pulling him away from me. I start to fight with him and the other gang members in Randy's group.

Roman helps me in between to handle the others as he faces Randy. I grab Seth's hand and take him to the front door, "Get the fuck outta here. We'll take care of it."

"I can't leave you here," He tries to argue with me but I press my lips against his and mumble, "I'm fine."

"No!" He shakes his head and refuses to leave.

I grab him by the front of his shirt and pull him in so our foreheads bump together. Our eyes meet and comfort each other, "Stay outside and wait for us, baby." There isn't an ounce of room to argue so I push him out of the door.

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