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Up there is Cleo White

Girls like us likes to chill, I said and put my legs at the seat in front of me. Do you mind?, the girl at the seat asked, hmm let's see...... No, I said and she rolled her eyes and turned to her friend. Good girls, Claire muttered, I snorted.

   I'm Cleo White, I'm 17 same goes to my un-identical twin beside me Claire White, right now we're going to Chicago to live with our brother Alex White and that's all you need to know, I tell ya that.

"Pssssst", a girl called from behind me, "yeah I answered a little bit annoyed, "just wanted to be friends ", she said, "hmm, she is cool", Claire said, "yeah, I'm Cleo White and my Sis Claire White", I said, "Jade... Jade Hayes", she said, "So you're new to Chicago?", I asked, "no, I live there, I went to Cali to visit my dad, he's not with my mom anymore, what about you?", she asked, "orphans", I replied ,"oh, sorry ",she said, "it's fine", Claire said, "no it's not, we're going to Chicago for revenge", I said, "Cleo, just loosen up a bit, we'll do that later",Claire said, "fine but I'll never forgive Zack for betraying me ",I said, "forget about love, now, live life, breathe air, be free", I don't do love, Jade said, I do, I replied, oh you mean going from dude to dude, playing them, Claire sneered, whatever, I can't get over Zack, I mean I can't believe he was among the people in Chicago who killed our parents, I said, stupid dude, those type belongs to good girls, who'll forgive them, Jade said, yeah they always say, bad Girls ain't no good but good girls ain't no fun, I said, Sis, do you think, Alex will get our bikes, Claire asked, if he doesn't I'll rip off his skin, I said, so, guys you know we're going to reach Chicago like tomorrow morning right?, Jade asked, so?, I asked back, tomorrow's school day, she replied, oh here's the plan, we'll go with you to your house, then we'll all go to my house, with a cab, I explained, I have a bike, Jade said, oh so we'll use the cab, I stated referring to me and Claire, then we'll go to school to surprise my big bro, I said, we should sleep then, Claire said, yeah, I said and dropped my leg from the front seat, happy now?, I asked the girl sitting there, yes, she spat, I grunted in response and laid back to sleep.


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