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"What did I say you're not going anywhere."

Well this was going to be fun... I tried to leave five more times, each time was stopped by a flying kunai. This son of a bitch was really starting to get on my nerves. I didn't want to use up my chakra saving it for more pressing battles. Like the one I hoped I didn't have to do but knew I would with Sasuke. 

The man, seemed to be twice my age. And his voice was dark and raspy, and he had some kind of unfamiliar accent. I'd say there was something familiar about him. But I have never met the person before. And he was not from the Leaf village, as he had said that he worked for Orchimaru. 

His voice seemed to echo from everywhere, and no where at he same time...? But after three minutes of planning his voice rang out one more time. 

"How about we have some fun?" 

"And what do you suggest?"

"If you can tag me I'll let you go." 

Well that wasn't fair. I couldn't even tell where his voice was coming from, but it was my best chance to get out of this situation without getting injured. 

"Fine." I sighed getting up, and dusting myself off.

"Then let the games begin." His voice whispered in my ear.

I spun around quickly and he wasn't there. I growled, and started to look around. He appeared, and disappeared quickly. Soon I recognized his pattern. Behind, front, left, right. Behind, front, left right. I looked around he was behind me now, I turned quickly to the front still to slow. 

I reached to the left and felt a soft cotton on my hand. 

"Looks like... you won!" He clapped. 

I walked off and another kunai shot fourth. 


"I said I'll let you go," He chuckled, "Release." 

I woke up, and was at the front of the left village. Damn genjutsu... I activated my surogan, too look out for chakra waves, so I could know if he was close. Looks like he didn't have the stones to show himself this time. 

I continues running, and saw the aftermath of battles. How much did I miss? I continues running more and more.

(??? PoV) 

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I want to see how his body will react."

"And what if he dies?"

"Then he dies."

"But Sas-"

"I'll worry about Sasuke you just worry about injecting him." 


"HEYO MATE!" The familiar voice said appearing in front of me. 

A tall male was in front of me. He looked about in he's 20s, and his black hair, made his purple ones pop. I smiled a toothy grin, and his teeth was like a shark. Razor sharp. I shivered under his gaze. 

"You know I can see what Sasuke sees in you, you're cute."

"And you're a bitch get out of my way."

"Spicy... I like spicy." He whispered in my ear. 

"But at last my heart belongs to someone else. But maybe i'll make in exception for you." He winked. 

Kill me now. 

"So if you survive this remember you're mine." And with that I felt a sharp pain in my neck going into one of my veins. Fuck!

Hello my luvs how are you? I'm fine just bored. NOTICE ME SENPAI IF YOU'RE READING THIS YOU KNOW THIS GOES TO YOU!!!! But with that out of the way onto the questions.

Q: Favorite Social Media Account
A: Snapchat got it recently, and I love it.

I know I'm late to the trend.

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