chapter 1

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Lincoln POV

I was curled up in a fatal position while my family stayed in the warm house.( turn to the viewers) 'If your wondering how did Lincoln loud the man with the plan a child that love his sisters came to this it all started a few days ago when Lynn forced me to go to her soccer game." her team lost and she blamed it on me and i went with it just so I could have some time to my self and they took it too far and banned me from their activities and let me walk to school, and then they locked me outside and fed me through the dog door.And they locked up my room and sold my stuff so the bad luck wouldn't spread they even kept the money and I didn't get any and they spent it on their own things and know your caught up". Suddenly a sound of the back gate opening pulled me out of my thought. I saw person in a red black suit he pulled out a gum and pointed it at me. I said please don't kill me I'm just a little boy he tool off his mask he had black hair and a well shaved beared. He said why aren't you with your family inside the house I told him the story and when I finish he was breathing Heavily from anger "your family kicked you out because they thought you were bad luck" I nodded he said "I wouldn't like to meet them they sound like the worst" I nodded again he put the gun back in the holster and held out his has and said hi I'm dead shot. I smiled and shook his hand high "I'm Lincoln loud" he said "I actually came here for you" I tilted my head in confusion "why me I'm just a bad lucked nobody" he said "your actually stronger than you think, you have a rare ability and my boss want to help you develop that gift". I said and what if I say no his smile turn into a frown "you stay here with the family that locked you out of your own house and treats you like a scape goat" I thought for a second the good and bad things came into my mind the good things that happen them the bad luck incident cane and the sister fight protocol and I clench my fist and said I'll do it I'm done being a scape goat for this family.
Luna POV
I came down stairs to get to drink some water and I heared talking outside the porch where Lincoln was. I open the door slightly and saw Lincoln talking to a man with a red black ad white like dead pool suit he had a gun in Hus hand. I screamed and he quickly turn around and saw me I heared moving upstair before I knew it the whole family was down stairs trying to find out what was wrong they saw Lincoln with the man
Lincoln POV
I was talking to dead shot when I suddenly heared screaming I turn around and saw Luna looking at me with a face of complete horror. Suddenly the light turn on in the house and all my family came down to see what was wrong. When my dad saw me with dead shot everyone started to freak out. My mother said "Lincoln loud get over here and away from that stranger". I said so that you can treat me like garbage she said we don't treat you like garbage. I said "oh so hiding away in your room while your daughters have a fight and your son caught in the middle of it isn't treating him like garbage, right" I said sarcastically. She bowed her head in shame and you Lynn loud senior you always say you love all your children but you gave me the smallest space in the house and my sister get the big space like I'm some helper of this house I'm your tricking son not some helper you can use whenever you want to. Luan step up and said Lincoln we're sorry I said sorry how about the fact that I had to be checked for rabies after you little prank with the raccoons your a psychopathic prankster with a sadistic personality and you like to see people in pain you little sick fuck she held down her head and sob at her brother using foul language. Lori step forward and said stop being a drama queen. I said me beings a drama queen your whole life revolves around your precious bobby boo boo bear and you force people to do what you want just so you can get your way your waste if space and I'm surprised bobby hasn't dumped your sorry ass. Mascara was running down her face and you Lola you think your the queen of everything but your nothing more than a spoiled brat. She was crying. And Lisa your just a lonely scientist who wants to experiment on her own siblings Albert Einstein would not be pleased. And you Lucy I thought that you were an friend of mine I thought you wouldn't want to see me suffer but your just like the rest of them and your just a Gothic freak who is obsessed with the darkness. I saw tears fall and and rolled down her cheeks and Lynn your just a sports freak obsessed in winning more than caring for your own family. Leni your so dumb you don't even realize what's going on around you your a mindless air head that goes along with any plan they have because they can't even think for yourself. Lana your just a mud obsessed freak who thinks being dirty is better than being clean and you should go live at the dump because that is where you really belong. Luna your just a rock star wannabe and you only went into music because you know your life sucks. She choked out lil bro I said save it I don't want to hear it. The only person that cares about me in thus house is the fucking baby she is more decent than all of you. You use me as a puppet ad now I'm done. I turn to dead shot and said I'm ready to go the whole family was in tears. He made a call and a few minutes later a helicopter came With a middle age black woman. She was wearing a blue shirt and shirt. She step out and said did he agree. I saw dead shot with a straight face and he sad yes he did she said step in the helicopter young man I realize she was talking to me. I walk past her went into the helicopter and sat down. Lynn senior said Lincoln loud get out if that helicopter this instant and get over here. I look at him with a glare and said I don't take orders from you and I'm no longer a loud. He came up but dead shot pull out his gun from the holster and shot him near the leg he said that was a warning shot. Lynn senior step back and said okay. They step into the helicopter and it rise up off the ground I saw all the loud family in the back yard crying. I look forward and said so this is the start of my new life....

So that is chapter one sorry for the mistakes this is my first fan fic if you want to sat anything about the story just tell me in the comment remember to like and vote and share

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