Fred Beneker & Pink Sock Boy

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Ashley's P.O.V

when i imagine who i'm going to be someday or what type of things i'm going to accomplish, i think of my love for music. how when i let the words i poetically formed myself flow from my mouth, i truly find the peace and happiness i'm craving.
this is why i moved to LA, it's known as the city of dreams and power where everything you want to make happen, happens in some kind of way.

that's why i've found myself sitting in an office at capital records waiting for my interview, this is the whole reason why i'm here in the first place.
if i play my cards right and shoot for the stars i could actually make something of myself here. without a doubt i know i'll be walking out of here either with a 'you tried' sticker on or a task and a due date. i was hoping for option 2.

i quickly turned my head to the door as i saw it open, and in walked a tall man wearing all black with white goggle glasses and pink socks. if this was the guy interviewing me i think i needed to back out right about now because i could not take him seriously.
"uh sorry, wrong room." he did a double take at my outfit as he walked out. we were complete opposites, i was wearing a white long sleeved crop top with white jeans and red lipstick while black seemed to be that guys happy color. no judgment seeing as i wear stuff like that too sometimes, but to cut this short let's just say i was just glad that he wasn't the one interviewing me.

but when the guy who was walked in all my focus was on the moment. he was a middle aged man with dark brown hair and glasses. i stood up and reached my hand out to shake his, he returned it with a smile and we both sat down at the desk across from each other.

"Halsey i presume?"

i nodded, "oh, call me Ashley please."

"alright. well hello Ashley, my name is Fred Beneker and i will be interviewing you today due to our recent back and forth discussions via email. you show lots of potential and passion and meeting face to face is just a way for me to see how genuine this really is before making any final decisions. so first tell me, how did you come up with the stage name 'Halsey'?" Fred said as he grabbed a note pad and pen to take notes.

"i completely understand everything. to answer your question, i chose the name 'Halsey' because it's an anagram of my name 'Ashley'. not only that but it's the name of a street in Brooklyn where i spent a lot of time at as a teenager. it's a good stage name for the sake of memories but also not too far from my actual name, i didn't want something extremely crazy." i was biting my tongue as i spoke, this was the most nervous i've ever been for something. even though i was so nervous i didn't want to pass up the truth, i needed to be completely out on the table.

Fred looked amused as he wrote my words down. he then cleared his throat as he began to tell me his next words, "well it's definitely unique, i don't think we've had someone do that before and you should feel lucky. when you sent me your songs what was the motive behind it? what were your exact intentions?"

easy answer. i took a deep breath, "when i sent you my song samples and demos i had tried many places beforehand but no one would take me in or give me feedback, you were the first to do so. i have been writing my own songs since i was 13, none too serious, but as i got around 16 i realized this is what i wanted to do full time. i dripped every emotion and experience i have ever had into the lyrics i sent you, i wanted feedback from a professional, someone i know who knows these things. and i know you get things like that often but the fact that you responded and brought me here means i'm doing something right." my over-confident self was pushing it, because Fred stood up. i don't think it was the bad kind of push though because he had a smile on his face. i stood up as well.

"Ashley, nobody would take you in but when someone did it was capital records. that's saying something about you and your work. this is something big and i'm positive you'd do good in this business, that's why i'm going to need you to follow me into another conference room where we have a contact now waiting for you. and it says here in-" he grabbed a packet off of his desk and flipped through it. "-here that you're staying in the hotels downtown?"

"that is correct."

"you will be provided a house as a workspace along with a producer when you sign the contract. he will make some shots as to who you will be working with but i assure you that you will have a say in things too. come with me."

we began to walk down the hall.

"thank you Mr. Beneker! this is something i will drive with passion, you won't regret this." i explained excitedly. Fred only chuckled.

i was shocked. i couldn't believe someone was actually interested in me and not even that but it's the best of the best that was.

i had a whole new confidence in myself and i couldn't wait to get to work on my new ideas and watch them actually become something. this was all too good to be true.

when we arrived in the room it was full of windows and had a long table with tons of chairs, it was occupied at the other end with someone i recognized as the guy who accidentally walked into my room earlier. he looked as if he was signing a contract too or setting something up, i tried not to stare long or make eye contact.

"here's the contract, read carefully and sign if you agree to comply and work with us for a 5 year period."

as i read the contract everything seemed to look good and okay with me, i know that there's nothing in here i would regret anyways. so with that in my mind i signed it and pushed the paper Fred's way. i noticed out of the corner of my eye that i was being stared at from across the room by the man with the pink socks, it made me slightly uncomfortable.

Fred then extended his hand to me and said, "pleasure doing business with you Ms. Frangipane." words i've wished to hear since i was 17.

i took his hand and with the biggest smile replied, "as to you Mr. Beneker."

he then walked me out of the room, i took a glance at the guy with pink socks before i left. his green eyes were already peering into mine and he seemed unamused. wonder what's up his ass.

Fred then walked me all the way to the front door handing me a piece of paper.

"this is just a copy of the contract you signed. i suggest you pack your things at your hotel tonight, first thing in the morning you will be escorted to your new workspace and home. i expect to hear from you soon as your new main manager, you will meet your co-manager tomorrow as well. have a fantastic night Ms. Frangipane." he waved to me with a welcoming smile.

"Thank you so much Mr. Beneker, you will hear from me tomorrow! i will let you know if i have any questions."

with a nod he started to walk off in the other direction.

i pulled out my phone to call a cab, once i did that a voice made me jump in my place.

"no ride? in LA?"

i turned to look only to see the pink sock boy

"I got here just yesterday morning" i explained. i then extended my hand to him, "name's Ashley, you?"

he looked at my hand as if shaking it would give him a disease. i gave a look and slowly put it down to my side like it was before.

"i'm Dominic." he said platonically.

"oh.. cool" i smiled and shrugged.

"you should check out my music," he then said, "i go by Yungblud. look me up."

"yeah sure, look me up too. i go by Halsey."

"what he fuck is a Halsey?" he laughed

i scoffed, "it's my real name anagrammed, what the fuck is a Yungblud?"

"a Yungblud is something you should know if you wanna pursue an actual musical career." he snapped.

"who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" he was pissing me off, he had he nerve to come talk to me only to be an asshole. what was that all about?

"who am i?" he took 3 steps closer while i took 2 back. "i'm just a dude living the life you've always wanted." he came even closer and spat, "so who will you be?"

he then disappeared off into the distance when my ride pulled up. i got in speechless as i felt like i would be for the rest of the night.

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