The young?!?

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Once again I do not own Naruto....not that anyone ever reads these things but its needed sense I have NO desire to get sued



"Not another test." Naruto groaned and hung his head.

"Nope its not a test, we just have to introduce you to the Hokage"

~End recap~

"The Hokage's ready to see you two now." Naruto jumped off the chair running up to the door before turning around noticing Minato wasn't following.

He looked back impatiently at Minato.

Running back to Minato, Naruto grabbed his hand and began to eagerly pull him down the hallway.

"Come on ,Come on I want to meet this Hokage guy!"

"Ha ha hold on Ruto-kun he isn't going any where."

'Ahh I wonder how long it's been since I last saw gramps'

'Kit remember that this isn't the third Hokage that you know-'

Naruto stopped his skipping kuramas words bringing him back to reality, this Hiruzen was not his Hiruzen.

He would not be seeing the old man who despite being the leader of a village would make time to visit no matter how tired he was.

'Yes I understand but even so, its still a version of the old man.'

Naruto stopped in front of the doors; hands slightly sweaty and his heart pounding. This moment would decide if he was be able to stay in Konoha.

Naruto slowly opened the door.

Minato put his hand on Narutos shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze before gently pushing him forward.

And so unprepared for the push Naruto stumbled forward before tripping over a randomly placed chair.

He face- planted straight into the Hokages desk.

"Ouch that hurt!" Naruto turned an accusing look to Minato who looked away laughing lightly.

"And who might you be young one?" The Sandaime raised an eyebrow.

" I'm Ruto......old ma- whoa you're not old!!!!!!" Naruto blinked shocked before rubbing his eyes unbelievingly before looking at the Hokage again.

The old man Hokage was still a little on the older side but he wasn't......old.

With a small amount of guilt Naruto realized that it was probably his fault that the not- so- old man aged badly.

What with all his pranks it was likely he had caused the Sandaime a lot of stress...and paperwork.

The Sandaime laughed good -naturedly and Naruto blushed embarrassed hearing Minato face palm behind him.

'Great first impression Ruto."

"Indeed I'm not at the age where I would consider myself old yet but I'm getting there. So you're the kid Minato told me about."

"Uhhh Yes?" Sparing a glance at Minato before turning back to the Sandaime.

"Hmm Mmm well I don't see any problems with you living in Konoha as long as you consent to living with Minato."

'So they want to keep a surveillance on me...I'm relieved ,at least they're not so naive to leave a unknown alone.'

"Really I can stay with Minato!!!!! YATTA!!!!" Naruto ran over to the Hokage and gave him a hug.


"Ahahahah your welcome Ruto-kun. If you could wait outside for a bit I have something to tell Minato."

Naruto nodded and left the room his eyes gleaming with unconcealed Joy.

~Hokage Room......with Hiruzen and Minato ~

"Minato I'm sure you know this but that boy is hiding something."

The two men had cold, hard eyes that made them seem like they were completely different people.

Eyes that were used to sacrificing anything for their village.

"Yes but I don't think that Ruto has any malicious intentions toward Konoha. I believe that he is just a kid with a hard past"

"Very well I want you to watch him and if he does show any signs......then you know what you have to do."

Minatos eyes turned expressionless as he nodded.

Minato left the room to find a smiling Ruto sitting in a chair far to big for him.

"Minato-*Growls*" Naruto blushed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hahaha I guess your hungry ,want to go get some ramen?"


As Minato watched the excited boy go on and on about how great Ramen was, he hoped with all his heart that whatever Ruto was hiding it wasn't something that would put Konoha in danger.

Because Minato wasn't sure if his heart could survive having to kill the boy he had begun to care for.


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