The crowds were cheering loudly, the lights were shining down on the World's Greatest Entertainer of all time as the curtains slowly dropped down he was rushed to the hospital for his wife was having serious complications with her pregnancy, and no one was sure if she would survive the massive surgery or not. The escorts dropped Criss Angel off at the hospital and told him she was on the fourth-floor emergency room, and that his brothers were already there with his son Johnny waiting for any news on Sherry.

Criss Angel ran past the waiting room and rushed straight into the emergency room where the surgeons had the doors shut, and trying to save both her and her unborn child thru emergency surgery. Criss watched thru the tiny window as a huge twinge of pain shot thru his head, then after the shock, there was nothing...he was awake but not in his own body anymore, he was watching from a distant place as he heard a voice telling him that his wife was not going to make it, but his child would live. When Criss snapped out of the strange thing that happened to him, the master surgeon was standing right in front of him, with deep sadness as he told him that his wife didn't make it and that her internal damage was just too great for them to save. Then as the surgeon apologized for his great loss, one of the nurses came out holding his newborn son and told him that his son was just fine as she slowly held him out to Criss.

It has now been almost six weeks after the loss of Criss's beloved Sherry, but being the hardheaded and hardworking father as he was, he tried desperately not to let her loss overpower him, he worked night and day performing for millions of people trying to forget about his losses, then he went home and continued to work like hell-raising and taking care of his two lil boys Johnny and Xavier. His mom and brothers noticed the loss of his wife really changed him emotionally and he had made himself quite heartless and cold and maybe even a little bit bitter towards women, even though they all hounded him constantly telling him he needed to find a mother for his boys because it was a fact that he could not raise them and his career at the same time.

Criss blew them all off and said he was doing just fine as a single parent, and very angrily stated that he didn't want any other fucking women trying to take his wife's place in his home or his heart, that he was so done with love, for all it did was cause nothing but sorrow and pain. Dimitra gave a worried sigh as she walked out of her son's house and told him that he was wrong and that Sherry wouldn't want him to lock his heart away in an iron chest and try raising two babies on his own, that she would want him to be happy and live for her. But Criss's bullheaded ways ran his mom and brothers out of the house. Costa stopped before pulling out of the driveway and told him that he would see just how hard it was going to be, now that their mom and his two brothers were going back home to New York, and he had no one to help watch the boys while he went to work.

Criss slammed the door as he went back inside and hollered that he didn't need anyone's help! That he was man enough to take care of his own children. When Criss finally calmed down, he saw his oldest lil man staring up at him holding his stuffed believe bunny in his magical jammies. Criss lifted him up as he apologized to his lil man for waking him up with his loudness, then he walked him back up the stairs to the boy's bedroom where Xavier was sound asleep still in his crib. He kissed Johnny on the forehead as he placed him back in his bed and tucked him in and told him how much he loved him and goodnight, then he tiptoed to the crib and rubbed Xavier's head and turned on his lil musical toy to keep him in good dreams while he slept, then crept out the door and pulled it halfway shut so the lights wouldn't bother them while they slept.

The first couple of days without any help from his family as easy, he just took his boys to work with him and Rose and Felix took turns watching them while Criss performed, but with all other activities it was impossible for no one had the time to babysit for him while he did anything, so he just gave up on all of his personal wants and likes, and stayed home and took care of his boys, but he just didn't see at that moment what it was doing to him mentally and physically...but of all people, his oldest lil boy Johnny noticed his daddy's behavior was not right and it scared him because he thought if it continued that he would lose his daddy too just like they lost mommy, then he and Xavier would be all alone.

Criss became so burnt out from staying up day and night juggling his career and fatherhood, that he began to notice his anger was coming out more often and caught himself scolding his son for things that he couldn't help, or little things that he would never have scolded him for in the first place, he also found himself sleeping later in the mornings than usual, and even when hearing Xavier crying, he just didn't have the strength to get out of bed at all. Johnny was a big boy though and he took care of his lil brother, and by the time Criss got into the room, Johnny was gently putting Xavier back into his crib and tossing his dirty diaper in the trash can. Johnny looked over at his dad that was standing in the doorway and told him it was ok for him to get some rest, that his baby brother was all better now.

Criss Knelt down as he held out his arms for his lil man to crawl into, and told him what a big help he was, and that he loved him so much, but it wasn't his job to take care of his lil brother that it was his deadbeat dad's job, and he wasn't doing a very good job at it anymore. Johnny hugged his daddy back and told him that even the greatest daddy's like him needed help sometimes, and he couldn't do it all by himself.

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