three // grandeur

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hermione granger's pov
the third chapter

"Thanks for helping, Luna, I admit I know nothing about makeup." I laugh as Luna Lovegood strokes my eyelids with a small brush. She's painting something that she calls a 'smokey eye' to match my dark dress.

"It's really nothing, Hermione, but I must admit I thought you'd choose a more colorful gown than the one you did." Luna glances at the black, floor length ballgown hanging from my door. The straps are about an inch thick with the front scooping down just enough to reveal my breasts in a push up bra. The rest is formfitting until just under my bum, then it spreads until it reaches the floor. The back is nearly entirely open, reaching down to my lower back. It's a beautiful dress, just not one I would have initially chosen.

"Well, my accompaniment is adamant about his color scheme. Black was my only option, unfortunately." I give her a slight frown, then attempt to lighten the conversation. I ask her about the Quibbler, which sends her into a twenty minute tangent about all of the peculiar things she reports on. I smile admiringly at the passionate blonde as she talks on her favorite subject; sometimes I wish I could be as carefree and excited as Luna. Then again, Luna's uniqueness is what makes her who she is. If I were to be like her, then her peculiarity would lose it's charm. She is the only person that can pull of that Lovegood energy, and I adore her for it.

"All done, love." Luna pulls away the brush and admires her work. My face looks lovely, the black mascara on my eyelashes and dark ombre on my eyelids working perfectly with the dark maroon she placed on my lips.

"Thank you, Luna, it looks incredible!" I squeeze her in a friendly hug and let her return to her daily environment. She skips out of the room, leaving me in silence and impending doom.

I slip on the dress and some sleek black heels, turning to the mirror to admire my reflection. The woman staring back at me looks nothing like who I was at Hogwarts. I was all bushy hair, bare face, and pleated skirts. Now I look like a British diva about to descend a velvet staircase towards hundreds of flashing cameras and screaming fans. As much as I adore Luna's work and this beautiful dress, it doesn't feel like this should be me.

My existential crisis is put on hold by a sharp knock at the door. I sigh, mentally preparing myself for a night of criticism and annoyance. I open the door of my apartment to reveal a sharply dressed Draco Malfoy. For a moment, he stares at me as if evaluating my appearance in correspondence to his own. He gives a slight nod and offers me his arm. Not knowing what to say, I take it and we walk down the corridor in silence. We make it all the way to the street outside of my flat without saying a word, which is fine with me. The less we have to interact the better.

After five minutes of waiting on the pavement, I turn to him with a questioning glance.

"Malfoy, where on Earth is our ride?" I inquire,
my feet already beginning to hurt from my uncomfortable shoes. No sooner had I asked the question than a white limousine pulled around the corner, stopping in front of us. "You didn't drive yourself?"

"Of course not. What kind of common folk do you think I am?" Draco asks, slightly offended.
He then opens the door for me to enter the limousine and follows suit after me.

"I only thought because—" I try to explain myself, but he simply cuts me off.

"No matter, Granger. Let's enjoy the ride in peace." And with that statement we rode in silence until arriving at the Ministry.


We walk through the double doors, my arm linked in Malfoy's. I attempt to hide myself slightly, not wanting any of my coworkers to see me and think less of me for attending with our snarky superior.

"Don't cower, Granger, it's wildly conspicuous." Malfoy mutters, snaking his arm around my waist in order to pull me out into the light.

"Sorry if I don't want to be in the spotlight with you by my side." I hiss, trying to keep up a civil appearance while simmering with irritation.

"It would do you well to be seen with me, I am your superior after all." He smirks and continues walking until he sits me down at our table. "Stay here until I return." Draco commands before abandoning me at the elaborately decorated white table. Within a few seconds of Draco's absence, Harry locates me and gives me company,

"You look frustrated already, what's happened?" He inquires, resting his arm on the back of my chair.

"He's constantly reminding me of his superiority, and he doesn't let me speak. He looks at me like I'm his trophy date or something. It's revolting." I scoff, crossing my legs under the table and bobbing my foot in frustration.

"Well, what did you expect, Hermione? That he'd changed? I certainly didn't." Harry laughs, though I don't see this as the time or place. I simply glare at his mockery of my situation until a looming presence causes me to turn my head.

"Potter." A menacing Malfoy growls. Harry stands tall, though not quite as tall as Draco.

"Malfoy." Harry returns the same glare, his mouth set in an angry line.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to vacate my table. The Auror clan is by the bar, go join your people." He nudges Harry out of the way and takes the seat beside me. As Harry is about to leave, I jump out of my seat.

"I think I'll join you." I announce loud enough for Draco to hear. "I'm gonna need a drink or two to survive this night anyways." I whisper into Harry's ear as we walk away. I earn a stifled chuckle as we stroll, never leaving Malfoy's line of sight the whole way.


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