Fourth day of work

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I wake up to the sound of my mom yelling. I got out of bed and walk to the bathroom and wash up. I grab the towel and put it on my body, I pick up my phone and open it. I got 21 messages from Mr. Dickson, I open his messages

Mr. Dickson~Baby girl, how are you feeling?

Mr. Dickson~Im sorry for everything, Are you ok?

Mr. Dickson~Baby girl please answer me. I miss you and I can't wait to see you again

Mr. Dickson~Baby girl? Are you coming to work today? If you are, please tell me?

And there 17 more of that, I put my phone down and got dress. I walk out my room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I pour me some coffee and sat down at the table. I grab my laptop and open it, I started to search what Mr. Dickson means about the baby girl nonsense. I searched it and it say

"It means that he likes you in a special way. Sometimes if a guy doesn't know you very well and calling you baby than it means he's flirting with you. " I check on the website and kept reading what it really means.

"Hey baby, what you doing?"said mom walking into the kitchen, I kept reading the website. She sat in front of me and smirk, I close my laptop
"What's with the smirk?" I said taking a drink of my coffee
"That guy that you was with last night, he's so hot! And what's his number?"she ask me getting all excited, I kept looking at her and smile
"Well I would give you his number but you're already married"I said with a evil smirk, she slam her hands on the table and look me in my eyes
"You're jealous that I might take your man"she said laughing, I roll my eyes
"I'm not jealous and he's not my man"I said getting up from the table and putting my cub in the sink
"Do you even like him?"she ask me , also getting up from the table
"No, I don't"I said walking to my laptop
"Than what's the problem of me dating him?"she ask me with a smile, I sigh and grab my laptop, say on the couch
"What's with all of these questions? Don't you have a husband to get to?"I ask her, she walk away  and went upstairs, I open back up my laptop and kept doing what I was doing.

Alex v
It's 9:45am ,setting here in my office all alone. I text Bella but I haven't heard from her yet, so I kept checking my phone to see if I got a text from her but all I see is my messages. I put my phone down and walk to my drinking table, I grab a cub and pour Hennessy in the cub. I went back to my working table with a bottle of Hennessy and look up at the ceiling. Than I got at call, I pick it

"How is my baby boy? Is he doing fine at his job?"
"Yes mom, why did you call me?"
"Because I miss my son, can I see you this weekend?"
"No, I have to work on the weekends"
"Don't lie to me boy, you're gonna see me on Saturday if you like it or not"
"Mom, I already told you that I have to work"
"Saturday it is then, see you soon"
"I have to go, love you"

Than, She hung up the phone. I take another drink and call for Emily , she walk in and said
"Yes sir"
"What do I have this Saturday?"I ask her, she check the book
"Nothing sir"she said with a smile, I sigh and got up and walk out my office. I walk to my car and got in it, I turn it on and drive to Bella house.

Bella v
I was on my bed watching TV, than I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walk down stairs to answer the door. I look through the Peak whole and it was Mr. Dickson, I open the door and he walk in.

"What do you want?"I ask him, he just look at me and take off his jacket. He walk towards the couch and sat down on it, he looks back at me. I roll my eyes and walk to him

"What do you want?"I ask again, he look at me and sigh
"What are you doing Saturday?"he ask, I sat back and smirk
"I'm going out with my friends , why?"I ask him, he look at me like he wanted to put me in my place
"What friends? Who are these friends?"he ask like he is my father, I roll my eyes
"My friends that's all you need to know"I said looking at him, he kept looking at me. Than he move his eyes and place his hand on my tight. I bite down on my lip to hold back my moan. I move his hand and he look at me again, but this time there was a smirk. He move closer to me and place his hand on my neck, I move my head. He move my face closer to his and kiss me. I fight not to kiss him back but I did it away, I grab his by his shirt and put my legs over him. I was setting on his dick and I move back and forth. He moan in between our kiss, then he took off my shirt and I took off his. Our shirts was on the floor and next it was going to be his pants. Before I could do anything else, there was a knock on the door. I got off his lap and answer the door, I open the door and it was my best friend Christ

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