How You Met - Offenderman

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C/N means City's name.

P/N means parent's name.

F/T means favorite thing.

I was walking down the C/N streets when I was unexpectedly pulled into an alleyway by what seemed to be white, long tentacles. I tried to scream for help but I was silenced by a very pale, white hand covering my mouth. "Damn girl. You look almost too beautiful to fuck." My eyes grew wide at what was going to happen. He's going to rape me! I squirmed but couldn't get out of his grasp. "Stop squirming, you'll only make me harder." I stopped and everything suddenly turned black and we reappeared in the woods. I was turned around and faced a very tall, white creature with only a mouth on it's face. I cupped my mouth and he suddenly handed me a rose. "I've not been kind to you so here. Have a pretty rose for a pretty woman like you. I promise, I don't bite." My hands went down to my sides. "You expect me to take a rose after you basically threatened and kidnapped me into the woods?! How stupid do you think I am?!" He lowered his hand with the rose in it. "Just like all the women that I take out here." I scoffed and said "Of course you do! Well, I'm not like that! I don't want your stupid rose, and I certainly don't want to see you ever kidnap or threaten anybody ever again!" He chuckled and said "Or what? You're small shrimp if you haven't noticed and being the tall man with a thousand tentacles to help me out, I could easily overpower you. So, what are you going to do?" I huffed and realized he was right. There's nothing I can do to stop this thing in front of me. What am I going to do? As I was deep in thought, I didn't realize that the sky was clouding. The smell of rain hit my nose and broke my train of thought. I looked up and felt rain droplets hit my head. I looked around myself until I looked behind the white creature and saw a path leading out of the woods. I started walking towards it when a long arm shot out in front of me. I looked at the tall being to my right. "And where do you think you're going?" I frowned. "Home, since you're not going to be any help." I ducked under his arm and continued to walk down the path. I heard footsteps behind me a second later. I turned to see the tall thing following me. "Shouldn't you be trying to take me somewhere else to try and rape me?" The thing smiled and disappeared. "H-Huh? W-Where did y-you- Ah!" I fell back on my butt by the thing appearing right in front of my face when I turned to my right to see where it went. It smiled and gave a small laugh, then he extended his hand to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "Sorry for scaring you." He thought for a moment and continued. "I'm also sorry for trying to kidnap you and make you have sex with me. I can take you home if you want." I thought and said "I can handle myself. Besides, I don't even know what, or who, you are." "My name is Offenderman, or Offender for short. I'm a one of Slenderman's brothers." The creature said taking off his hat and bowing. When he placed his hat back on, I responded with: "I'm Y/N." Offenderman smirked and said "That's a beautiful name. May I ask who named you that?" I looked down and said "My P/N named me it after their favorite F/T." Offender smiled sweetly and said "So would you like me to walk you home?" "Again, I'm fin-" "I heard my brother, Slenderman, was out killing tonight. What if he came upon you?" That would certainly not be good. Fuck. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. What if he's lying? What if he's not? Should I go with him? What if he tries to rape me and actually does it?! What if he kills me? "You can walk me home." Wait- what did I just say?! I didn't know what I was thinking, but the walk home was really peaceful. The thing that killed me the most was Offender trying to make small talk with me. What stressed me out the most during this, was whenever the silence crept in, I would freak out and talk to Offender. When I and Offender were only a few more blocks away from my house, Offender said "Do you know what a slender is?" I looked at him and gave him a good long stare. "A slender is a creature with many tentacles, very tall, and will kill anyone who steps in or close to the forest. They are known to kidnap children and possibly even kill some." Offender chuckled and said "You've been reading all that on your phone haven't you." I blushed. My phone was in my tucked in jackets pocket to where he couldn't see. Or so I thought. Offender smiled and said "Although you are right, I'm not the one who kidnaps or kills kids. That would be Slender. I'm the brother that gives women roses and they go into a trance. With the trance on them, I can have sex with them and kill them afterwards." I let out a low 'hmmm' and we turned a corner and saw my house. It was not much. Just a simple two story with the basics. I pulled my keys out and unlocked the door. "Nice place." I heard Offender say behind me. I thanked him and said goodbye, but before I could shut the front door, he put his foot in between the gap. I opened the door and saw Offender looking down. He looked sad and he suddenly hugged me. I jumped at the sudden movement, but warmed into it. As I felt his warmth envelope me, he pulled away and said "I'm sorry for doing what I did." He looked up. "I really hope we can be friends. If you don't I-" He stopped himself and looked down again. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. "You can stay here until the rain stops. I don't want you to get wet out there." I gave him a sweet smile and he returned it. The next few hours I and Offender spent were......nice. I got to learn more about him, what he does, and his family. While he got to learn about me. I know I shouldn't be giving a rapist my info and everything, but he's adorable underneath all of the rapist shit. I mean, when he's sad he's cute and harmless! Who wouldn't want to invite him into your house and tell him it would all be okay?! Anyways, when the rain stopped, Offender had to go home and I wished him well on his trip home.

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