How You Met - Splendorman

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As I was walking through the park filled with children's laughter, I heard rustling off to my left. I glanced towards the woods edge and only saw trees and bushes. "H-Hello?" "Hi, there!" I yelped and fell backward, but something, or someone, caught me and pulled me back up. "What the-" I started, but stopped, when I saw that the person that pulled me up was wearing a tux with polychromatic colors embedded in it and a black top hat with a red band. "Sorry about that! I didn't mean to frighten you!" I gasped at how freakily large the man was. He's really tall. How on earth can he fit through doorways?! I backed up and asked, "W-Who are you?" The man giggled and replied, "Why I am Splendorman! Who might you be dearie? ~" Splendorman? What a peculiar name. "Y/N," I answered back. He held out his hand and I shook it. "Nice to meet you Y/N! Again, I'm sorry that I spooked you!" I smiled and said back "It's nice to meet you too. What were you doing in the forest by the way? It's forbidden to go in there if you want to go missing." "I live in the forest. Also, I never see how people can go missing in the woods if there's a trail to follow. Although-" He stopped speaking and smiled at me pleasantly. "What? What is it?" I asked, my curiosity increasing. Splendorman just kept beaming and abruptly said "Would you like to walk around the park with me? It's such a good day today and I would hate to waste it standing here." Should I really walk around the park with this stranger? Sure, he's sweet, but can I really trust him. He doesn't seem to want to hurt me. Then again, a stroll around the park with someone would be great. I smiled and nodded, making my mind up. "I'd enjoy that." He smiled a tender smile and we enjoyed a walk around the park. During our walk, we spoke about our similarities and distastes. The time flew by instantly and it was soon dark out to where the street lamps were turned on. "Would you like me to accompany you home?" Splendorman asked while we were walking around the park for the 50th time today. I nodded and we hiked towards my house. Once we arrived at my house, Splendorman said: "Well, I guess this is goodbye." I turned to see him frowning. "I guess so." I held out my hand. "See you again soon?" He smiled and shook my hand. "See you again soon." I smiled and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and sighed. "You know, you could always visit me in the forest, right?" "Yeah, but if I go into the forest I'll go missing. Remember?" Splendorman pulled away and said, "I remember, but don't worry I can keep you safe!" I gave him a questionable look and he continued. "I need to show you something, and I have to be in your house to do it." What's with the sudden change in his voice? What does he mean by being in my house to show me?


"So, what is it that you wanted to show me?" Splendorman was in my living room and I was currently standing behind the couch. He suddenly transformed into a more taller being with tentacles with the same multicolored spots on them and said, "This is my real form. The other form I was just in is called my human form. It helps me get closer to people who have been kind to everyone and deserve something nice. Like; balloons, candy, or flowers. Are you okay?" My mouth was gaping open and I nearly fell over some of my shoes lined up near my front door. "Y-Y-Y-Y-" Splendorman disappeared and appeared in front of me. Only he was sitting criss-crossed apple-sauced on the floor in front of me. I gasped and back away from him. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. Can you trust me?" He held out his hand and I gulped. My hand guided itself to his and I grabbed hold of his hand. He led me to the floor and sat me down. "I know I may be something else beyond belief, but I hope you can see it in your heart that I'm not here to hurt you. I'll take my leave now since it looks like you don't want me around." He got up and went towards the front door. I got up hastily and grabbed his hand. He stood where he was and I, reluctantly, pulled him to where I was and gave him a tight hug. "How could I not want you around?! You're one of the first friends I had since I moved here last month!" I heard Splendorman giggle and felt him wrap his arms around my small form. "Do you...I don't know....want to be friends?" Splendorman said snuggling into my shoulder. I giggled and nodded into his shoulder. "I'd love that." Little did I know, I and Splendorman were going to become more than friends soon...

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