Fluff really wants ramen noodles

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Hailey wakes up at around 9 am, during a cold, rainy morning. She finds that her stomach is grumbling uncontrollably; she is hungry. She rolls out of her bed and plop down on the carpet floor. She picks herself back up, and makes her way toward the door. She opens her bedroom door to the living room. Her eyes make contact with the kitchen. She feels as if she is starving. She has only one thing she wants right now--- ramen. She rushes towards the cabinets with the little energy she has. She opens the cabinets to find them full of top ramen. She despises top ramen with a burning passion, so she grabbed a hammer from the counter, laid the top ramen on the counter as well, and started bashing the ramen aggressively. "Take that, disgusting ramen noodles!" She exclaims. After she is finished with her tantrum, she walks to her mothers room, surprised that not one single human in the house has awaken beside her. She wakes her mother up, telling her that she want cup noodles. "We already have ramen!" Her mother says, feeling very drowsy from her interrupted sleep. Hailey insists that she should buy her cup noodles, so her mother gives in, and wakes up. Her mother makes coffee, drinks the coffee, and Hailey and her mother head off. They hop inside the car, and spark a conversation up. "Why do you hate top ramen so much!?" Her mother says. Hailey then responds with "Cup Noodles is way better!". "Whatever..." her mother mutters. They arrive at the supermarket at approximately 9:56am. Hailey pushes the car door outwards, excited for cup noodles. Hailey runs off, with her mother trailing behind her. Hailey then enters the supermarket and sprints to aisle 5, where the golden treasure lies (the golden treasure being the cup noodles). And grabs 2 cup noodles. Hailey, being tired from all the running, slowly walks with her mother to the check-out center, to finally purchase the ramen. "That will be 1$ for those 2 cup noodles" the cashier says. Hailey's mom  gives the dollar to the cashier, and Hailey and her mother make it back home. About 20 minutes later, Hailey and her mother arrive home. Hailey goes to the back of the kitchen, and prepares the delicious snack. Hailey then scoots back her chair, puts the fully prepared noodles onto the table, and begins chomping down. Hailey, feeling satisfied, falls asleep halfway through eating the noodles. THE END.

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