I had been out of the hospital for one day, I had taken almost 15 showers, blow dried my hair and applied my make-up. I went for shiny glitter looks. Mostly silver and pink though. I put on my party dress, I only owned one or two. This one was black with a big silver bow at the waist. I added glimmery braclets and my A necklace, I always wore it for good luck.
Mama told me I looked beautiful again, But i just couldn't shake the thought of that Elenor girl, who was she??
I texted Lou, he had programed his and all the others numbers into my phone as few days ago.
Me: Hey Superman ,r u coming to pick me up or not ;)
Superman: Not in that tone, i'm not :)
Me: Sorry, ...good sir would you care to take me to the partay tonight in honor of my new health :3
Superman: I'd be honored *Takes a Bow*
Me: we r so retarted !! :D
Superman: WE?? ;)
Me: c u soon
~10mins Later~
Beep Beep!!
"Bye mom!!" "Bye baby, be good"
"Hey Lou"
"Hey Love."
"So just wonderring, how many people are gonna be at this party?" "Not sure" "Lou, um this is awkward but who is Ele?" his grip tightened a bit . "Just an ex, I wanted to still be friends but she refused, so basically we kinda just got into this big fight, she said she couldn't handle all the paperazzi and she wanted me to quit my dream to be with her.....my 5 bestfriends or her. al I did was hesitate and she went mad!!!! She was so mad and yelling, She told me she never wanted to see me again, and she still shows up where we are!!!" "That's terrible!" "yeah, but I just ignored her but that doesn't mean she isn't annoying, we had nothiing in common and she hated to talk...well she hated to talk about me. Adn she was so awful to my Sisters behind my back!!!" "Aren't they like 8" "Yeah!!"
"I'm so sorry" "Yeah it okay that was lke half a year ago, but the paparazzi thinks we still go out..."
"oh here, we are" louis said stoping in front of a hotel, "hey, why are you in LA anyway??" I asked
we unhooked our seat belts and got out of tthe car, I took my purse and fingercombed my hair. "we are performing at the VMA's in a few days, we going to sing our new single!!!" he said fixing his suspenders.
"Come come child, we must enter" I took lou's hand as he lead me into the lux. hotel. It was abosolutly amazing. There was a POOL in the Lobby!!!!! There were people everywhere packed so they couldn't move dancing to the dj's music
I saw Harry walking towards us with a girl. "Heyy..um so basically I'd like you to meet Dani!!!" "HI!!" "isn't she lovely" "Harry..It's is so nice to meet you Audrey correct?" "Yeah...I love you oufit!!" she had own a light blue dress with a nice silver diamond pattern down the side and Pretty Black and silver ballet flats. "really..thank you!" "May I say that Bow is So adorable!" "Thanks matches my hair clip" I flipped my hair so she could see "Love it!!"
"Oh come on Dani I love this Song!!" "Oh coruse you do, it's WMYB" "your beautiful" he winked at her "No i'm not" "DoI have to sing the song again " he leaned in about to kisss her
"WOAH WOAH WOaH......You children you dirty dirty children go get a room!!" Louis Yelled at them. "oh my lord Lou...I was just about to snog her" "IDC....I can't beleive you Hazz...I thought you loved me" he pouted and crossed his arms . I made eye contact with Dani "Are they always like this??" I mouthed "worse" she said "but I continue to love him with all my heart..he just so adorable!!" she leaned in a whispered to me. We giggled "well I'll see you around" I said 'Bye girl hope you have fun" she said back taking Harrys hand t\and dragging him to the dance floor in a childish way they laugh at eachother...How sweet!!!
Me and Lou went to the dance floor and danced for awhile...to Call me maybe, want u Back, party rockin, what was cool was that 5 out of 10 songs qwere actully performed by the artist.
"I need some water or something" I told lou fanning ym face with my hand. "I'll go get you some I was thristy anyway" he said before going to grab some bottles of DeerPark.
"Hmph..so your the little girl...who took Lou from me?" "What?" I turned to see a Pretty girl with brown hair wearing a White dress and rayban sunglasses her hair in a ponytail bun on the top of her head. "I'm Elenor...and who are you....hmmm...why are you even at this party in your rags" she said getting reallly closed to my face " um yeah your in my bubble..could you move ?" I said aww crap my mouth....I just couldn't stop it now.
"what did you just say to me" she gasped and placed her hand on her hip. "I said..please move..your stinking up my bubble. " I smiled or more liked smirked at her like a cat her nials seem to grow ten times larger "Louis....Is...Mine" she growled Wth is going on i thought.
She was on me like a cat....I didn't really fight back she wieghed about as much as a stick. so her punches didn't really hurt. "Could you get off of me!!" I pulled her now fallen hair so her head would go back. "OWWWWWW!!!!" I saw carmearas flashing Could you say youtube. GAwd!! "Look I don't have any Idea who you are" I mandeged in between breathe. "Audrey? Audrey!!" I heard Louis in the background.
He dropped the bottles of Wateer and pulled Ele off of me "WTH elenor!!!!??" she started crying "I still loe you louis..making sure to face the camerma. "would you just go....We are over we have been for half a year...get lost!!" she threw his thumb back towards the door...by this thime the other boy were at the sence...."Audrey you alright " Niall Liam and Zayn all said att e same time "Im fine..she just jumped on me..probally my fault me and my dumb mouth" "Look she is crazy....she did the same to our birds..well she didn't actully beat them up...but you know she puts tehm down" Liam explained "yep lass..She did the same to my Princess" Niall said thorugh gritted teeth.
"Audrey..you okay" Louis taking my hands..I had gotten up by then. "Yeah superman not ve a scarth..But I think she ruined my hair!!" i blew a piece of bangs out of y eyes. "we looked at eachother for a moment and then starting Laughing hisarically. I don't know why we just clicked. "Come on..let's go fix it back" Louis said leading me towards the Bathroom
"You two better behave yourselves!!!!" I turned to see Harry yelling at us with his hands at his mouth. I giggled again.
This chapte rhad nothing to do with cake....but I liked the title so I am keeping it:)
Once again I have no HATE against ele she is a Very Nice girl and a Very good girlfriend for my boobear :)
This is unedited becase I was in s hurry but I will fix it later love you all and please remember to send me your stories own why you love the boys so much..Iw ill be sending the link to there twitter so they cna truely undrstand why we lvoe them so much....included your first naem age and twiitter name :) please speard the word!!!!!!
Love you!!!