Emerald Hill Zone...
"WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Sonic shouted running somewhat at the speed of sound. Tails was nowhere to be seen. Sonic looked behind him and looked for Tails.
Somewhere in the zone...
The female fox tried to outrun the badnics as they were closely behind her. She came to a rock and quickly hid behind it. The badnics rolled past the rock. She was able to take a good rest, but was quickly interrupted by a speedy blue hedgehog. She ran after him, only to find herself tripping after every single rock. She stopped running and sat in the soft grass. A badnic crept up behind her and captured her. "Help!" She screamed, hopping the hedgehog would hear her, but it was too late. It lifted up into the sky taking the fox with it.
"Let her go!" Tails shouted while flying.
"Never. She needs to be taken to Dr. Eggman for experiments."
"WHAT!? No one experiments on me and gets away with it!"
"Hehe. We'll see about that." The robot said in a monotone voice.
"You want to do this the hard way? Okay, we'll do this the hard way!"
Tails easily defeated the badnic with his tails. He caught the female fox in his hands and set her on the grass.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine. Who are you?"
"I'm Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails. What's your name?"
"I'm Tilly. Tilly Prower."
Tilly: That was so awesome! Thanks for saving me.
Tails:*blushes* Uhh, you're welcome, Tilly.
Sonic: Where is me!?
Me: You was in it too.
Sonic: This book is about sonic generations, not Tails and new girl-
Tilly: *hits Sonic with a frying pan* The name's Tilly, you idiot!
Me: ○-○ See you later in the next chapter!
Random Sonic Adventures!!
FanfictionRandom adventures with Modern and Classic Sonic, Tails and Amy! (Ocs included) First made: April 28th, 2015