2 Zeni

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This is another historical document of Zeni. 2 Zeni has helped with the church and Jesus was pleased, Zeni spoke to his brother Tanza, Tanza then went to Jesus and yelled, "Oh Lord! Forgive so I have sinned!" 2 Jesus then laid His land on Tanza, "Oh Tanza son of Pima, you are forgiven, now join us for you are my third." 3 Jesus chose the final disciple. Now they wrote to many others so that they may know Jesus.

For Jesus preformed many miracles. They shall all be told here. For that is of first importance. 2 So Jesus had turned three rocks into doves. Now Jesus has risen a man from the dead, just as He did to himself. 3 Jesus heard a man by the name of Zea had died. Jesus went to the man and healed him. The man followed Jesus after that.

For the third miracle, Jesus fead many people. People where starving from a famine. Then Jesus gave them all food. 2 For Jesus fead many and they followed Jesus. 3 That was so amazing that the followed them. They all believed in what the saw

Then Zeni went to the church. The two others where there along side Jesus. 2 Then hundreds went to Jesus. Then Jesus went up to the Father up in heaven and He yelled out, "Follow me! 3 Then You will all be saved and will find love in the Father's arms.! Amen!"

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