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Louis' pov

I  tried to walk through the very clustered hallways to get to class. There were students everywhere, taking up every inch of the hallway. The floor was not visible and if you were passing by and happened to look through the window, you'd probably think we were a group of wild animals. There were some people so close to you that you could feel their hot breath on your neck, and boy, did that make you uncomfortable. It didn't help either being invisible. I was practically an unseen soul. No one knows who I am.

Shoulder after shoulder and elbow after elbow continuously jammed into my petite  body. I'm  on the short side and these people were fucking giants. My glasses got broke on a daily basis because of my height. Many elbows found their way to smash my glasses in half.

The sounds of people chattering echoed throughout every wall. It bounced back and forth. The constant whisper and laughter erupted my ears. I hated hallways. People push and shove, yell and shout, kick and punch. Anything. Absolutely anything is possible in a high school hallway. Something great could happen,or if you're lucky, like me, the worst could happen.

I was just edging around the corner when I bumped into a muscular chest. I'm a little weakling so of course it knocked me to the floor, and my glasses fell off. I looked around frantically trying to find them because I was pretty much blind at this point.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry.", a deep raspy voice spoke. I looked up, but all I could see was a blurred outline of a boy. Well it's obviously a boy because no high school girl could have a voice like that. A few seconds later I felt my glasses being slid on my face. Everything around me instantly cleared, and I could see again.

I looked up at the boy, and wow he was attractive. He was very tall, and muscular. Yet his skin was pale, but that just seemed to bring out his features. His green emerald eyes were practically shining. He had these amazing chocolate brown curls that fell to his shoulders perfectly. He reached his hand out, and pulled me up.

"I'm sorry, I truly am. I wasn't looking. Did I break your glasses? Oh my gosh I hope I didn't. I'll buy you new ones! I-didn't see you. I feel like shit for knocking you over, you have no idea. Are you hurt? Oh my g-", he rambled.

"I'm fine, I'm okay. My glasses are fine, and so am I.", I told him.

"Oh, okay.", he smiled at me. Damn, that smile. "I'm Harry", he said extending his hand.

"Louis.", I grabbed his hand and shook it. I mentally winced at my voice. It was so high and feminine. It was disgusting. He smiled again.

"That's a lovely name.", he said, while smiling flirtatiously. I felt my face start to burn with sheer embarrassment, and I know I'm blushing. I don't even know this boy, yet im blushing. Why? If you ask me why I have yet to understand myself. I felt slightly enticed by this boy. A slight attraction, maybe? No, no, Louis absolutely not. You don't have a crush on curly.

Of course, Louis heard of curly before. He was friends with Zayn. You see, Zayn Malik wasn't even popular, but everyone knew he was the sex god. He was the hottest guy in school. He reached higher standards than the populars, and the populars respected him. They respected him because of that delicious body of his. He has the reputation of turning down the 'in crowd'. He declined the popularity for Harry, or so I've heard.

Being gay at my school was basically like having three heads. Everyone turned to stare at you, and laugh, or look away in horror, scared they might catch your 'infectious disease.' This my friend, is why I'm still in the closet. My family knows of course, because there is no point in lying since I'm such a flamboyant fuck. Honey, my mom knew I was gay since I was 4 years old.

"So Louis, tell me about yourself," Harry stated. I thought for a moment, realizing there was nothing to tell. I was highly uninteresting. I'm horrible at small talk, and I'm not going to go into the 'Life Story of Louis Tomlinson.'

"Um, well, uh, my name is Louis.", I said turning bright red. Curly started to laugh. Okay, I think I'm going to stick with the name curly.

" I already knew that, silly. I want to know about you, darling. Your name is just something your parents gave you in the hospital. Your name isn't some deep key to your soul.", he stated while adding a little joke towards the end.

"Um, well I'm kind of smart. I like to read and stuff.", I told curly quietly. Okay yes his name is Harry, but I like curly. Don't judge. I was embarrassed. I honestly hated talking about myself to other people. It made me uncomfortable for some reason.

"Oh. That's really cool actually. What do you like to read?", he asked. Oh god! Oh god! Get me out of here! This is proabaly why I have no friends. Well I mean, besides my fictional characters. Oh god, I'm a loser.

"I'll read anything, basically.", I said shuffling my feet.

"Hey Lo-", the bell rang cutting him off.

"Sorry, I have to get to class. See ya around.", I said trying to inch myself away from the conversation. I turned around to leave but Harry grabbed my wrist.

"LOUIS WAIT!", he yelled. He searched through his bag and pulled out a pen. He grabbed my arm and wrote something.

"Here's my number, babe. Text me.", he said with a small smirk. He then winked and walked away.

I just stood there, not really understanding. I was in shock. Nobody gave me numbers. I, then realized I was late to class. I took off running down the hall way.

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