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I burst into the classroom, hoping to god I wasn't late because my maths teacher was not the nicest. As soon as the door flew open everyone's heads snapped up, and looked at me. Great, fan-fucking-tastic.

"Mr. Tomlinson, how nice of you to join us, however that scene you just caused.." The teacher sighed in distress. "Was highly unacceptable." Mr. Ford scribbled some words on a piece of paper.

"Here boy, hope you don't mind staying after school." He said sternly holding it out to me. I mentally groaned, but took the slip anyway.

I sat in the back of the room, trying my best to concentrate on the all the numbers and confusing symbols dancing across the board, but all he could focus on was Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry, my mind chanted.

He was just a curly headed boy I bumped into in the hallway. It was nothing special. It was nothing.

Louis, he gave you his damn number, my brain scolded. Of course it meant something.


The day was over before, and I had detention. So I headed to my locker to put away off my books since I sneakily did all of my homework in class. I know everything I need to, why do I need to sit and pay attention to a boring lecture to everything I already know? Exactly that's just a waste of my time.

Suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around expecting to see some random kid trying to pull a prank on me, but instead I was shocked. "Uh, hello Harry." No one's ever wasted their lives talking to pathetic little me.

"Hey, Lou." Harry spoke, smirking. His dimples were so prominent. All I wanted to was kiss his cute childish cheeks, and feel his hot skin against mine. Obviously, I shouldn't be thinking this, but he looked extravagant. "Are you doing anything after school? Want me to drive you home or something?"

I felt my cheeks heat up from his offer. I shifted my weight on my legs awkwardly, and bite my lip. "Uh, I've got detention.." I whispered, feeling ashamed. I was a good kid. I had never gotten into much trouble, and this was my first detention. Ever.

Harry chuckled. "Really? Didn't take you for much of a bad boy." He said teasingly, shaking his head. 

"Oi, Styles, shut it." I exclaimed, playfully hitting the boy's shoulder. I had to ease the nervousness in my body. The nervousness that was wrapping around my bones, swaying through my mind.

Harry either didn't notice or he didn't care because he stepped a few inches closer. I could feel his warm breath hitting my face. "Make me." He whispered, stepping a bit closer. I tried to get away, but I ended up hitting the lockers. The cool metal poking my back was the only thing keeping me with reality. My eyes widenings as Harry's face seemed to be inching closer to mine.

"Um, excuse me?" I squeaked out. "What are you doing?" Harry seemed to notice how close he was and instantly backed away. He started at me with horror filled eyes. The only sound could hear was Harry's heavy breathing.

"Shit." He mumbled before runnung out. That was close. It was like he was going to kiss me...? I don't know maybe.

But all I know was that what just happened was weird.

In the Dead of Night (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now