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I pulled back the shower curtain, stepping in. The hot water hit my back, and I felt all the stress leave my body. I pretended to get sick so my mum really would come to get me from school early on a Friday afternoon.

I used to take acting classes, and I loved the drama club at school, though I usually sat in the back. I liked to observe. Everyone bought it. I never liked missing school, but I couldn't handle another lunch with Harry.

It had been a couple weeks. A couple weeks with Harry practically glued to my side. I had to come up with excuses everyday as to why he couldn't walk me home. I didn't want him to know where I lived. Seeing him at school five days a week was definitely enough for me. The feeling of constantly trying to catch my breath, and the constant twist of my stomach was hard to handle for ten minutes, let alone five days a week.

I didn't want Harry meeting my family. I already knew they would fawn over him. My father wasn't in the picture, and a cute boy with curls and a dimpled smile would cause chaos in a house full of girls.

Showers always made me feel so much better. It was my safe haven in a house full of squealing and fighting over who got to use the bathroom first. It was usually me. I was much more efficient than the girls in the morning, besides I'm just slipped by them while they argued anyways.

"Lou, baby?" I heard my mum's voice ask through the door. She knocked lightly, not wanting to disturb me. She was always the best when one of her kids was sick, knew exactly what to do, how to handle everything. "Can I come in, love?"

I smiled to myself. I loved my mummy. "Yeah, mum. It's not locked," I said, rinsing the rest of the soap from my body and hair. I heard the door open, and items being placed on the sink.

"I brought in some medicine to help with the pain and fever. I also brought your favorite sweater because I know you like to cuddle when you're sick," Jay said, placing a towel there as well. "I picked out some of your favorite musicals we can watch until the girls get home. I made your favorite tea as well." I smiled. I literally had the best mother in the world.

"Thank you, mummy," I breathed, closing my eyes briefly, completely relaxed. I shut the water off, shivering slightly as the cold air hit me right away. Jay had left the door open, and they're behind on their bills. That means no heat, and well it's nearing winter.

"You're welcome, boo. Don't rush though. Take your time, and I'll wait for you in the living room," She said softly, leaving the tiny bathroom, closing the door.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself up in the warm, fluffy towel that was left for me. I sighed softly when I saw my reflection. I wasn't even sick, but I looked it. There were purple bags under my eyes because I haven't been sleeping well. I had the constant feeling someone was watching me, and the feeling clung to my mind desperately. It was like my brain was deliberately fucking with me, and it was absolutely relentless. It never stopped.

I got dressed and brushed my hair. I walked down the very short hall, into the living room where mum was. Jay opened her arms, blanket, tea, and movie ready. I just smiled, relieved, and crawled into her arms, feeling the warm blanket and her arms around me. I felt safe.

"Get some rest, my love," Jay whispered, kissing the top of my head. She didn't have to tell me twice. The feeling of her arms around me made me feel okay. It made me feel like I didn't need to always be on edge, and I drifted off to sleep.

Neither of the two noticed Harry peeking through the window.


I layed in my bed, some random ass show playing on the tv in front of me. I didn't know what it was, nor did I care. It was background noise. I loved background noise. It made me feel less lonely because even though I had a loving family, I still got quite lonely.

I was quite invested in the Shakespeare play I was reading. Everything about his writing was alluring to me, and I absolutely adored him. Well, I adored his work. I never met him so I can't say much in that department.

"Louis!" Lottie screeched from downstairs, causing me to jump. The thick book I was holding fell to the floor, causing me to lose my page.

"Damn it!" I hissed and threw my blankets off of my body. It's not like I was actually scared, just easily frightened. I didn't have a shirt on, but that didn't matter because it was family anways.

I stomped down the stairs, arms crossed over my chest. "Lottie, you know I hate when you yell." I said, not raising my voice because I hated yelling. My dad yelled. I wasn't my dad. I had some issues there. "What was so fucking important that you had to yell?" I asked, pushing my glasses up. They were always falling off. "You could have been nice and came upstairs to get me instead of-" She cut me off.

"Louis, can it." Lottie said, putting her hands on her hips. "You have visitor. Don't let them think you're a bitch." She said.

"No swearing!" Daisy shouted from across the room.

I glanced at Lottie with a pointed look. "Yeah, no swearing." I said smugly. "Wait someone's here?" I asked, confused.

My sister sighed, eyes dreamy. "Yeah, Lou. He was so cute." She sighed to herself. "Why don't middle school boys look like high school boys?" She whined. "You get to be surrounded by beautiful, beautiful boys everyday. What do I get? Boys with braces, and who's voices crack every other word." She whined.

"Quit your whining." I said, not even bothering with this conversation. "Who would come see me?" I asked to myself, walking by my sister to the door.

My heart stopped, and my mouth fell open slightly. I felt my throat go dry at the sight. "Harry?" I choked out, watching him eye my bare chest. I quickly crossed my arms over my torso. "You- w-what? How do you where I live?" I asked, mind racing.

And what was Harry supposed to say? I follow you home after school everyday, and come back to watch you sleep at night. No, no. Of course not. Harry stood there, smiling at me.


HOLY SHIT Y'ALL I'M SO SORRY. This chapter is way overdue, but I've been feeling more inspired lately so hopefully more writing. I'm shit at updates I'm so sorry.

In the Dead of Night (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now