Chapter 2

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Bold italics= flashback

Izuku was right. He knew it was going to rain when he saw those dark clouds earlier that day when they were on the field. But he didn't expect it to be on the verge of a thunder storm.

The three boys stood at the entrance of U.A looking at the pouring rain knowing if they took one step outside, they'd be soaked within seconds. "Please tell me at least one of you fuckers have a damn umbrella with you" Katsuki spat out as he glared at the water rapidly falling from the dark sky. "Nope" Eijiro replied also staring at the dark clouds that puked up the damn salt water that is rain. When they didn't get a response from Izuku they looked to where he was previously, to see him not there anymore.

Alarms started going off in their heads wondering where the small freckled child had gone. "You guys coming or what!?" They turned to see the owner of the voice was none other than the person they were just mildly panicking about just seconds ago. Izuku was waiting for them from just past the school gates, his uniform top slightly transparent from the rain splashing against the material, hair flattened slightly but still managing to hold onto the curly look as the locks of hair at the front stuck to his forehead, holding his jacket over his shoulder in a casual manner with two fingers. "Deku you idiot your going to get fucking sick! Get back here!" Katsuki shouted to him still inside the building, not wanting to risk the inevitable chance of getting a horrible cold. Izuku waved it off and continued to walk away without them. Eijiro had a small mental debate on whether to follow his crush and end up sick as well, or stay with his rival and not get sick.

Eijiro shrugged knowing he was going to go with the first option anyway. He took off his jacket and held it over his head before running after Izuku, leaving Katsuki to gape at the two idiots. He face palmed at their stupidity then groaned at his own stupidity as he also took off his jacket and held it above his head and ran out into the pouring rain to catch up with his crush and rival for said crush. He knew how this was going to end tomorrow but gave up trying to stop it also knowing how stubborn the other two could be, especially Izuku.

_-~° Time skip °~-_

It was the next day, luckily the weekend Katsuki woke up as normal. He checked himself over; no runny nose, no sneezes, no bad throat, no coughs, no temperature. No cold. He sighed in relief that he hadn't gotten sick, but then remembered Izuku and Eijiro. He didn't really care for Eijiro much anymore because they're rivals now, so he headed over to Izuku's room instead. He hadn't seen Izuku after they got back to the dorms because he wanted to go straight to his room, Katsuki realized that it was probably a bad idea to leave the two alone together but he was confident so he didn't really care.

He lightly knocked on Izuku's door hoping to get an answer. When he didn't hear anything from the other side he knocked again but louder. No response. "Deku?" He opened the the door slowly and walked inside, taking a quick look around the room and saw that Izuku wasn't there. He closed the door behind him as he walked back out into the hallway. He thought to himself who he saw Izuku with last and started reluctantly walking over to his rivals room hoping he knows where Izuku is. When  he got there he knocked roughly on the door, and after a few seconds the door opened to reveal Eijiro. He had a slightly pink nose and looked a little more pale than usual, but apart from that he looked fine. "Oi you know where Deku is?" Katsuki asked getting straight to the point, Eijiro sighed as he stepped to the side gesturing for Katsuki to come in. As soon as he stepped inside the room he noticed a familiar green fluff of hair. Izuku sat with his back to the headboard, covered in soft fluffy blankets, he looked really pale, his nose and cheeks burned a soft pink, dark rings circled his eyes making him look tired. He didn't look good at all.

"Fucking hell Deku you look terrible" Katsuki replied with a slight grimace. Izuku rolled his eyes "why thank you Kaccan for pointing out the obvious" he replied sarcastically, his voice sounding deeper and a little horse making it sound like he just woke up. "Yeah, he's not exactly doing so good, he's thrown up three times since we got back and he has a major fever" Eijiro explained and sat down on the bed next to Izuku and placed the back of his hand against his forehead, immediately retracting his hand with a slight hiss "jeez, your burning up badly dude." Katsuki came over and placed the back of his hand to Izuku's forehead and also immediately retracted it feeling the burning heat. "You fucking idiot what did I tell you, I knew you were going to get sick. Try listening to me for once"

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