1978 Interview

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It's the year 1978, three years after their last tour in Japan. All four of them were currently inside a room with a female Japanese interviewer and a female interpreter. Freddie and John got to sit in these fancy blue chairs, Brian sat on. . .something and Roger was left standing, only able to lean on the chair John was sitting on. 

Three years passed; queen members got older and learned, and grew with new experiences, so that means if they're in Japan again they must have forgotten or disregarded the horrible experience they had in 1975 right? That time they were involved in a disgusting ritual and didn't even know it. If they're here, that means Brian, Roger and most importantly John were able to let it go and just enjoy their stay in Japan right? Well, no. 

They didn't go to Japan because they wanted to, but because they had to, because of Freddie.

The interview started with the female interviewer formally introducing herself to the Japanese audience that is going to see this on television in the foreseeable future. 

When the woman was done with her introduction, it was time for the members of Queen to present themselves.

''Hello I'm Brian May, it's nice to see you again Japan, after a long time.'' 

''Hello, I'm Roger Taylor. We are very honoured to still be welcomed here in Japan, and I would like a chair.''

''Hello, it's John Deacon and I didn't think I would visit Japan ever again, but I started to think more from here''—points to his head—''than here''—points to his sensitive heart. 

''Keep calm John,'' Brian quietly whispered as John is already saying really honest remarks and it hasn't even been a minute.

''はじめまして私はフレディです,'' When Freddie introduced himself in Japanese it shocked the interviewer a little bit as she didn't expect to hear any Japanese from them. Mercury's Japanese was bare-bones but it was still good enough to create attention. 

''So why did you decide to tour here again?'' the interviewer asked Brian. She spoke English with them which kinda made the interpreter useless.

''I'll be honest with you, Freddie couldn't STOP talking about. . .um. . .Japan and Japanese culture, it even got to a point where I was forced into adding Japanese lyrics into my own song by him. . .and we suspect he might have been cursed, so we came to Japan to exor. . .cise. . .him. . .''Brian started to notice how ridiculous that must sound but it was the truth. 

They are taking a ride around Japan to find an exorcist capable of fulfilling their wishes. (with performances delaying their hunt of course)  

Their plan was a big reveal to Freddie as he didn't know about this before, he thought they would just go on a nice concert tour in Japan and when Fred found out about it now, his expression morphed into that of a huge shock; Freddie might have added a little something in his crotch area but most importantly he started to feel a mixture of anger and fear.

''So you're saying. . .because of your last tour in 1975, Freddie became cursed, so you went to Japan again for an exorcism?'' the interviewer was reassuring herself. 

And Brian answered with a nod basically saying 'Yeah, pretty much.'

''We will also ask about the song you mentioned in the near future but right now we have to talk about the new jazz album,'' The female translator informed them. Her presence here wasn't really needed because the Japanese interviewer could speak English just fine, but she tried to make her stay here at least somewhat purposeful.

The linguist then passed the word to the interviewer who spoke about Queen's seventh album in Japanese.

When the reporter was done, she switched back to English and asked Freddie,

Queen and their horrible experience in Japan 1975Where stories live. Discover now