10/10;)): so basically fuck all of you
fetus #2: i-
fetus #1: we-
ty track: we breathed, basically
papa johns🤪: what did we do this time
10/10;)): yall are hOMOPHOBIC
tail: sir this is a mcdonalds drive thru
utah: yeah and i'm a weeb
ding dONG: i mean....
utah: and i thought you loved me
marker: hAH GAYYYYY
full sun🤑: we get it, you're a 14 year old het that calls everything gay
jeNO: mark....why
KUNt: can we like....get rid of him or???
im not WHITE: no we cant get rid of him
vroom vroom😔🎤: you're only keeping him bc he makes you feel less like a white man
im not WHITE: and what about it?
long chin🤥: you say yo in like every sentence
nana: you literally type out haha's
marker: whats wrong with my hahas
jun🤧: they're ugly
marker: :((
full sun🤑: i think your hahas are cute:))
marker: thats gay
full sun🤑: i-
fetus #1: you-
fetus #2: he-
ganggang🔫🗿: we-
10/10;)): stop....just stop
ty track: lucas and jungwoo have been VERY quiet today👀👀👀👀
sushi🍣: no i did not and am not fucking him, chill
tail: we could've said yall were sleeping...
KUNt: or hanging out.....
papa johns🤪: yall fucking huh🗿
junguwu: lmao fucking? whats that?
junguwu: some sort of sport?
junguwu: like riding a horse?
utah: coUNTRY BOY
Fanfictionwith 21 people in a groupchat, craziness is just guaranteed to happen