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Johnny is one fine man smh, stop being cute noodle boy😔💞

ding dONG: i have an event planned for SM

utah: are we finally gonna blow this bitch up😳

papa johns🤪: f-finally?

ty track: where have you been air head

10/10;)) : who you callin airhead fucking pinhead

im not WHITE: shut up blockhead

10/10;)) : you're white you don't deserve a say in this

im not WHITE:

im not WHITE:

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fetus #2: i-

fetus #1: you-

long chin🤥: we-

jeNO: he-

full sun🤑: this is where your fuckery ENDS

hendery styles: wait are we finally fighting SM

jun🤧: about fucking time

ganggang🔫🗿: my username is fitting for this🤡

KUNt: children pls

KUNt: lets breathe

ding dONG: shut up CUNT

utah: he meant KUNT*

KUNt: im tired

vroom vroom😔🎤: then go to sleep old man

tail: yeah fucking grandpa

marker: omg guys the fossil is talking

long chin🤥: thats one talented ass fossil

papa johns🤪: im the second oldest yet none of you never clown me?

junguwu: thats bc we're scared of you

papa johns🤪: h-how?

10/10;)) : you're so tall that we think 'damn this bitch gonna step on us if we talk shit' so we just dont

sushi🍣: since taeil is like five inches tall we dont care

tail: .....

full sun🤑: is there something you fucking nEED

tail: im SICK of all of you

ty track: then nap old man

im not WHITE: i forget taeyong is the third oldest sometimes

ty track: jaehyun shut uP

vroom vroom😔🎤: hes too cute

junguwu: yeah taeyong is so soft it FUCKS with your mind

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