Chapter 1: One Hundred and Fifty Soul Embers

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A/N: Hey everyone!! This is my first ever story and I intend it to be longer than a few chapters so please stay tuned if you like it!!! This is a reader insert story but most of the time you'll just be referred to as Master Attendant. Although its reader insert and having customary hair and eye colour are all part of the fun, I'm just gunna be lazy and basic and stick to basic features (kinda also for the sake of PLOT-SAMA!!!). Anyways without further bs from the author, I present to your Fiery Red Colours!!!

You and your team of food souls pushed through the familiar doors of the building that is your restaurant. Once entering, busy food souls from the kitchen waved at you as you walked by.

"Hey Master Attendant! You down for another game tonight?" Sandwich yelled mischievously to you.

You shook your head and turned him down. "Can't tonight sorry. I just got 50 more soul embers from today's mission and I think I have enough to summon 3 more food souls. I'll probably do it tonight."

"Well alright then. Good luck with that!!" He replied, turning back to his almost completed braised octopus.

You led your team of food souls to the end of the hall, turned around and placed your hand on Milk's shoulder.

"Well done today guys! We did amazing. That Aizen fella was tough but I knew you wouldn't let me down."

"Thank you Master Attendant. You're too kind." Black Tea politely nods. You knew Milk and Black Tea were always close, so you made sure to put them in the same team whenever you can.

You addressed the rest of the team members and advised them to rest up for tonight before tomorrow in case of any important missions from Olivia.

"Hmph. Funny of you to assume I need to rest. You underestimate me, Attendant." Red Wine towers over you and frowns. "But whatever. I'll hang around when you do your summoning tonight, just so you don't accidentally get Steak."

It's true that you have a handful of good food souls, but you just haven't had the best of luck when it came to summoning Steak. You knew that Red Wine and Steak would work together well in a combo attack but why they hated each other was beyond you.

"Oh don't say that." Gingerbread furrowed her brows at Red Wine. "You know it's not up to her who she gets."

Red Wine rolled his eyes at his friend. He has always had a soft spot for Gingerbread.

A few hours after dark, the restaurant served its last customer before closing. A few food souls decided to go to their rooms to rest while others were training. The rest were huddled together in the basement where the portal that led to the world of food soul was.

"Who do you think it's gunna be?"
"I don't know but I hope it's Jello!"
"Shut UP Omurice! All you talk about is Jello Jello Jello!"
"Well I'm sorry Mango Pudding, but Jello is prettier than you."

As you drowned out the noise from some of the bickering food souls were making, you grabbed your ember pouch and threw 150 soul embers into the glowing yellow abyss. You were really hoping for a new food soul. Maybe a UR food soul with super high stats or a nice M food soul with high freshness to help out in the restaurant. With a swoosh and a few dings, the portal opened and out came...

15 shards of Nasi Lamak.

You tried not to look too disappointed. The girl was nice to you but her aura was always creeping you out, as if she would actually stab those who got into your way and made them "all disappear".
You grabbed another 150 soul embers and repeated your actions. Out came...

15 shards of Milk

"Oh good. Now you can ascend me to 4 stars, Master Attendant." Milk perked up behind you.

"Yep. You'll be a lot stronger now, Milk." You happily said to her, then you quietly whispered as you grabbed the last 150 embers from your pouch "third times the charm, third times the charm..."

The portal whirled and you crossed your fingers... and then...

"This body, this heart, and this sword in my hands, shall be forever loyal to you!"

You gasped, Red Wine cursed.

I know nothing much really happened so far but it'll get better I promise!!! Most of the foodsouls I use in my story are the ones I already have (so I have an idea on their personalities) I don't have Gingerbread yet :( but I'll include her in my story because she's a combo with Red Wine. LEAVE A COMMENT :))))

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