Chapter 19: I leave Them in Your Care

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The first thing that greeted you in the kitchen the next morning were sideways glances and whispers.

"You sure they ACTUALLY did it?"

"I'm like 99% sure."

"Man... I couldn't unhear it even if I tried."

It didn't take you long for the realization to set in — almost everyone heard you and Steak last night. Scratch that. Everyone heard you last night.

Amongst them, Red Wine was the grumpiest, he barely had a wink of sleep since your moaning and the bed's creaking kept him up all night.

"Long night, Master Attendant?" He quirked a brow and glared at your smaller frame. You squirmed under his accusing gaze.

"I-I'm sorry I kept you up," you actually felt terrible. "I promise I'll never be that loud again."

Red Wine hmphed. "Not only am I sleep deprived, I'm also mentally scarred by that barbarian's mating cries."

Speaking of said barbarian.

Steak strolled into the dining area with a cheerful aura radiating from him. Everyone stopped and gave him weird looks since his usual stoic scowl was replaced with a content grin.

"Morning everyone!" He greeted before grabbing an apple off the fruit tray. "I hope everyone had a good sleep. I sure did."

You weren't sure he if was just clueless or actually trying to rub the ha I got laid and you didn't message into everyone's faces.

Gingerbread rubbed her sleepy eyes. "I think it's time we build some sound proof walls for your room." She yawned.

You sheepishly apologized again.

Not long after that, customers started flowing in and everything was back to normal. You were supervising over the diner while some of your food souls made deliveries across the kingdom, it should take them about 3 hours... it's all the way in Nevras after all.

"Hey Y/N!"

A familiar white haired guy once again showed up to your restaurant unannounced, waving a letter in his hand.

"Oh hey Ichi." You greeted him. "What's up?"

He propped his side to a wall and stood next to you. "Nothing much. Thought I'd drop by and say hi, I found this letter on your doorstep before I came in though," he handed you the letter.

"It's from the government?" You read the fine printed words on the envelope before tearing it open.

Ichi watched you read the letter. "Well? Are they tearing your restaurant down?" He joked. You punched his side.

"Shut up. No one is tearing my place down." You read over the important lines again. "It says here that since I own such a big restaurant, I need to have a will in case I suddenly die or something, so they know what to do with my place instead of just destroying it."

Ichi made a face. "That sounds kinda taboo." You rolled your eyes at him.

"I expected this. It is the law after all... except I don't have an heir or an apprentice." You thought out loud.

You never thought about an heir. The thought of having children scared you and you really didn't have the patience to train an apprentice. Your eyes drifted over to Ichi's blank, stupid face. He's not gunna be able to take care of my restaurant. You sighed. But Olivia already has her own restaurant to run and there really is no other person...

"Ichi, you'll be the beneficiary."

"What?!" Ichi sprang from the wall and exclaimed, earning weird looks from the customer.

"I'm honoured Y/N, really! But I'm still learning how to cook and can barely run a business. I'll only mess up all your hard work." He ranted on and on.

"I don't care, just sell it." You said as if it was the go-to answer all along. "Besides, it's ONLY if I suddenly die. What are the chances of that happening?"

Ichi looked uneasy, "I'm not trying to jinx you or anything but these things are unpredictable..."

You waved it off. "Don't be such a worry wart! Plus, I've got my awesome food souls that protect me!" Speaking of which...

"Oh one more thing to add... along with my restaurant, I want you to inherit my food souls." You grabbed a pen and scribbled it down on the piece of paper for reference when you write your will.

"Is that even allowed?" Ichi questioned, "they're only loyal to the ones who summoned them, no?"

"I mean if it's my orders for them to follow you then I guess that's allowed? Well once they're yours, you can decide on what to do." You paused for a moment, realizing the weight of this conversation and quickly alleviated the tension. "Aha again, ONLY if I die, which I won't until I'm old and bedridden."

After discussing for a while, you and Ichi came to a conclusion:

Ichi was to inherit your restaurant along with everything inside it. He can sell it or keep the business going. You will also "transfer" your title as Master to him so your food souls can choose to serve him. The choice will be ultimately be up to the food soul if they want to follow Ichi.

"Alright seems like we're done. I'll just give this to a civil lawyer and it'll be done." You gave Ichi a reassuring look. "Don't look so uncertain! This is just part of being a restaurant owner, it's the law."

My apologies!!! Even after taking law class I still don't know how wills work! This chapter might have been a little boring IM SORRY but it's a smol detail for the storyline. Gomen!! Later chappies will be more fun! Pic doesn't belong to moi.

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