02. On My Own

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Thalia's POV

I hate heights. Always have.

Well, here I am, sleeping in a tree, at least six meters in the air. It isn't terribly uncomfortable, except for the fact that instead of a pillow, I'm resting my head on rough bark, and I have no blankets. Luckily for me, it's late October, meaning spring is becoming warmer. I can get by with my black zip-up hoodie and black skinny jeans and not be too terribly cold.

The adrenaline I had earlier has worn off, so I'm exhausted. I'm going to stay here and sleep for a few hours, and begin to head to Sydney in the morning. I dunno what I'm going to do with my life once I get there, but I have plenty of time to figure it out; Sydney is extremely far away.

Do I really want to do this? Do I really want to just run off, away from my family and friends? I sit and stare into the darkness, wishing I had someone with me. Doing this alone is going to be difficult. I don't like being alone. Back at home and school, I had family and friends to depend on. Out here, I'm all alone.

I feel like Katniss in The Hunger Games when she was in the tree the first night in the arena. Wondering what her family was doing, if she was going to make it by herself, if she should find an ally so they could take everyone down together. I'm just really hoping I don't wake up to someone coming after me.

My mind continues to go in different directions for what seems like hours, wondering about what to do next.

Soon enough, I feel my eyes become heavy and I slip into a deep slumber.


I awake to sunlight hitting me right in the face. I squint at my surroundings. Everything appears the same as it did last night. I let out a long breath, relieved that I can go on my way.

I grab my rucksack and start to climb down the tree when I notice something hanging about two meters from my left and three meters down. I hesitate for a moment, wondering what it is, but shake my head and continue to climb down. About three meters from the ground, I look at the ground, suddenly aware of what I'm doing.

My legs begin to shake, and I lose my footing on the slender branch my right foot, my source of balance, is resting. I hang onto the tree, trying to find a new place to put my feet. I find nothing, meaning there's only one solution.

I have to jump.

My pulse quickens. I've always been terrified of falling from high places, what if I break a foot or something? Shut up, I tell myself. For the last time, you're not Katniss Everdeen!

Well damn, I sure feel like it right now. Being out here alone, not knowing what the hell I'm doing. This seems similar to the Games, minus all the killing and such.

I've read that book way too many times.

I finally get enough courage to let go. I do what Percy Jackson taught me, I tuck in my legs and roll.

Obviously, I did something wrong. The new pain in my right ankle is excruciating. How it got there, I'm not sure. I groan loudly in pain, tears surfacing.

I try to stand up, but I'm wobbly and my balance is shitty. I lean against the tree, nearly kicking a ball of black on the ground.

I gasp, focusing on the figure. I see a boy curled up under the tree, sound asleep.

"Damn," I mutter. I thought I was being pretty loud. Not loud enough for this kid to wake up, I guess.

Although I can't see his face, he looks very fit. His jawline is stronger than my damn wifi connection at home. He's dressed in a black tank and ripped black skinny jeans. He's also wearing black and white sneakers that compliment his clothes really well. His hair is dark, nearly black, with blonde streaks in it. It's so flowy and soft-looking, part of me wants to touch it. His skin, oh his skin. He's so perfectly tan, there isn't a flaw on his whole body. I notice a little tattoo on his hand, initials possibly?

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