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That words that she said to me made my heart beats faster than before. I don't know what am I feeling right now.

I just stood up there while tzuyu unnie is still caressing my cheeks. Her face slowly went closer to mine until she fell onto my arms.

Wow! Really?? Does she have to lean that close to me if she will just fall onto her sleep. Unnie. I'm going crazy stop it.

" Aish! So I'm the one who will bring you home. " I just rolled my eyes as I put her arms around my shoulder.

" Hmm... " I heard unnie hummed as I force to carry her but I can't.

I stood up for a sec when an idea popped out on my mind. I immediately searched for tzuyu unnies phone.

I'll call her sister to pick her up because I can't even carry this unnie so how will I get her home.

" Chaeyeon unnie!! " I called chae unnie as she walked towards me.

" Hey. What are you doing there?? I've been looking for you. And who is that?? " She took a closer look at the girl who I'am with.

" Oh My!! Is this for real?? Are you together?? " My brows twitched as unnie asked me that question.

" I just saw her awhile ago and she's drunk and here she fell asleep. I was about to bring her home but I can't carry her. "

" Just call Momo unnie to pick her up. "

" I was about to do that but can you please help me  bring her at the couch right there? At the girls. I'll lay her first there. " Chaeyeon unnie nodded as she headed to the girls and lay tzuyu unnie at the couch.

Momo  ( Italized)
Yujin ( Normal)

Calling Momo...

" Yoda yah. Why did you call?? You need somethinng"

" Unnie. "

" Huh? Who are you?? Yujin? Is that you??? "

" Yes unnie. "

" I'm right. But why are you using tzuyu's phone. Is there any problem?? Where is tzuyu?? "

" She's right there beside my friends,sleeping and we are at the bar. Unnie is drunk that's why I've called you. Can you pick her up unnie?? "

" Sure. Just wait for me. I'm on my way. " I heard the engine started on the other line indicating that Momo unnie is on her car.

" Okay. " I ended the call and went after chaeyeon unnie.


Yujin's friends weren't that drunk and not all of them are drunk so they noticed chaeyeon carrying someone while walking towards them.

" Yah! Chaeyeon ah!  Who's that? " The oldest ask chaeyeon as she laid tzuyu on the couch beside them.

They can't clearly see her face because of her hair covering it. Yujin went to her unnie and tuck her unnies hair on the back of her ear.

And with that all her friends gasp in schock as they recognize who the person is.

" Omo! Am I seeing things right? Or I'm just drunk? " Yena suddenly spoke from behind. No one knows except for chaeyeon that Yujin and Tzuyu are already friends.

" Pabo! You didn't even drink a single thing and now you're assuming that you're drunk. " The savage Yujin said gaining a strong flick on her ears.

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