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Breaking News

Chou Tzuyu and Chou Momo the heir's of the richest family in the country and the Owner of Chou's Group of Company was involved in a car accident.

According to the witnesses an overspeeding truck crashed to their car. The police already arrested the truck's driver.

But the siblings are in a critical condition. We hope that they'll get over this soon. Let's pray for their fast recovery everyone.

" What the?! " Yujin suddenly shouted as she is currently at her friends house.

" Yah! Ahn Yujin! Why are you shouting? " Eunbi asked her but Yujin is just looking at the TV.

" O My! Guys!!!!! Come here!!! " Eunbi exclaimed and the others immediately rushed through the living room.

Yujin immediately rushed out of their dorm and rode her Ducati.
She thought of going to the nearest hospital hoping that they brought tzuyu and Momo there.

As she reached the place she was right. The people are whispering that they brought tzuyu and Momo in that hospital.

She walked through the E. R. as she saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench near the E. R. It was tzuyu's ex. It's Sana.


After that dream I sat back at the bench and waited for the doctors to transfer tzuyu and Momo to their room.

I roamed my eyes and I saw a tall girl heading towards my direction. Oh. She's familiar. I know! She's Yujin.

I stood up as she reached my direction and greeted her.

" Hello " I said as she greeted back and smiled.

" Hi. Unnie. "

We sat beside each other and it went silent for a moment.

" I didn't expect this to happen at all " Yujin looked at me as I said that.

" Who would. I didn't know what happened that they would really get involved in an accident " What? What does she mean about that?

" What do you mean?? "

" Uhm... To be honest tzuyu unnie is with us before they got involved in that accident. " My eyes widen as I didn't that happened earlier.

" Oh. "

" If we just took home tzuyu unnie by ourselves this will not happen. If we didn't call Momo unnie to take tzuyu unnie home this wouldn't happen " I couldn't talk as I was trying to sink in my mind all the things she've said.

" This is not anyone's fault. It is an accident. No one wants this to happen. So don't blame yourself  "

" Maybe " She just shrugged her shoulders and exactly the doctors came out again

And now he told us that tzuyu and momo was already transferred to their ward.

" Is there something we need to know about their condition right now? " Yujin asked as the doctor shake her head

"  There isn't. But if the patients felt something just call us and we'll look after it".

" Oh. Ok. Thank you. " We bowed at the doctor and he did the same.

" Btw. They're in room 25. Well, if you'll excuse me. I need to go "


Me and Sana unnie sighed as we heard that there wasn't a bad news about my two unnies and I hope they'll really get over this soon.

We walked towards their room while talking about random things. It's nice to talk with Sana unnie. It's hard to say that tzuyu unnie will still choose her rather than me.

I like tzuyu unnie but when it comes to Sana unnie. I wouldn't win against her. No matter what happens tzuyu unnie will choose Sana unnie rather than me.

When we arrived at room 25 we saw my two unnies sleeping peacefully. I can see all the bruises on their body.

" Look at them. I love to see them but I really hate to see the bruises on their body" I nodded as a sign of agreement.

We we're about to go near them but Tzuyu unnie suddenly moved.

" Arghhh! It hurts! " She hissed in pain as she tried to stand up but based on what we can see tzuyu unnie can't move her right foot.

" Argh!! " She groaned as she tried to stand up. Sana unnie went to her but she didn't bother to look at her.

" Tzuyu. Don't force yourself. " The next thing was she shouted at Sana unnie.

" Why do you care!? I can't even move my foot can you see that?! " She force herself to stand up but she failed.

" Fuck! I hate this! Why can't I move my foot!? Yujin ah! Help me! " She suddenly called me.

" Sana unnie it's better if you'll just call the doctor to check on tzuyu unnie. " She nodded and then run out of the room.

" Unnie please calm down okay?! You'll be fine. Why did you yell at Sana unnie?? "

" I just want to stand up and go to Momo Unnie. Why isn't she waking up? Yujin ah wake her up."

" I can't. Let's just wait for her to wake up. "


Why is she like that?! Why is she treating me like another person? I just want to  be with her but why?

I went back to the room and I found tzuyu trying to stand up again.

" The doctor is in the E. R and there is no doctors on duty yet that's why we need to wait. " I interrupted as their attention was on me.

" Could you please stop acting like you care about me?! " Tzuyu suddenly yelled at me.

" You're the reason of all these. If it's not because of you I wouldn't be like this. I wouldn't be in that freaking bar drinking because of you. I wouldn't be in this trouble if it's not because of you! I wouldn't faught with Unnie and we wouldn't get involved in this kind of thing! " That broke me into pieces I feel like the heaven have fallen onto me. My knees are shaking and started to weakend.

I tried to gather up all my strength and gladly it worked but didn't know that I was running away. My tears couldn't stop rolling down my cheeks until I reached the hospital's garden.

' Now I get it. You wouldn't love me the way you love me back then. I can't turn back time.  I just need to accept the fact. Who would love me anyways, if all I can do is to hurt you. Let me love you Ms. Chou Tzuyu. I love you. '


So there you go guys. Sorry for the super late update. I hope you'll like it. Love y'all ❤

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