Part 1 -my life

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This is my life I'm 19 years old and my name is Kristina Tomlinson for five years I've been bullied by this boy, with curly hair his deep green eyes, every time I saw green eyes I would just run away. I don't know why he does this to me I don't know what I ever did to him to deserve this . His name is Harry Styles and he is the popular guy in the school with his groupie, every girl wanted to be with him but he never cared, which is weird because there are so many pretty girls in my school. I don't call myself beautiful because I don't feel like it thanks to Harry, I'm blond with blue eyes I'm 1.60 in height and weigh 92 pounds because after eating I force myself to puke, so I've been losing a lot of weight my mother wants to bring me to the doctor but I refuse to go. I'm not sick at least I think I'm not.

It was 9 am in the morning I was getting ready to go to school Louis would always car pool me to school, but this time I had to walk. Once I arrived at school everything was going good I wasn't getting insulted by my bully it was like he wasn't there, at the end of school when the bell rang I ran to try to get away from the people but I don't what happened I tripped on something must have been a stick, all I know is I fell flat on my stomach "Ow" I cried, I got up and heard someone behind me.

"Trying to run" he said in a mean tone

I didn't know what to say I was again eye to eye with those green eyes, he looked at me I kept quiet then he just pushed me.

"Your pathetic" he said to me

I ran home straight to my room got my phone and started listening to music to calm down, after I went to the park to go do some homework. As I was sitting down on a bench I felt someone sitting right next to me it was again Harry how could he sit next to me so calm after what he did to me.

"What are you doing here" he asked in a calm voice

All I could do was run away from him and go back home I ran and ran. Once I was home I went to the bathroom and started cutting my wrist with a knife, while I was cutting myself I would tell myself, "this one is for being week", "this one is for being pathetic", "and this one is for running away". After that I took a blanket to stop the bleeding and rapt my wrist with a wrist band.

"Dinner time" my mom was yelling

"One second" I answered getting a big hoodie to cover my arms

After dinner I ran to the bathroom to force myself to puke all that food I ate and went to bed. "beep" "beep" the fucking alarm goes on I had to get ready to go to school finally today it was Friday, all I had to do was survive the hole day and I was fine!. But actually it was the worst day of my life I got a bad grade in math, punished for something I didn't do and on top a doge ball hit me right in the face. This time I didn't go home or to the park I just ran in the woods sat next to a tree and started cutting my other wrist, until I see Harry right in front of me.

"What are you doing" he asked with his lips open

"This is what you did to me" I yelled to him showing him the cuts

After that I don't remember at all what happened the world just went blank. Then I wake up in a bed facing a white wall this wasn't my room and on the side there was Harry sitting on one of the chairs. Why was I at the hospital what happened? And most of all what was Harry doing here?.

"You woke up" he said in a sweet voice

"No kidding"

"The doctor said you lost a lot of blood and that you weigh 92 pounds are you ok?"

"You're not going to call me sake of bones now are you??


"Is this my fault? For what I said to you"

"Why are you here" I replied meanly

"Because you would be dead if I wouldn't have brought you here"

"Any way I don't belong here" I said keeping the tears from falling.

Harry was just looking at me, it looked like he was going to cry or something he just started fixing his curly hair that fell on his face, and was walking around the room like if he had the nerves.

"You ok" I asked

"No!" he screamed at me

"Why what do you want haven't you done enough, why won't you stop?"

"Because if I can't have you no one can!" he yelled after slamming the door close

I had no idea what he meant by that, what was he trying to say?. After some hours my Mom came to get me she started complaining that I have to go to a doctor to talk about these problems and other stuff, I ignored her the hole time all I would say was "ok I got it" or "yeah your right" so she would just shut up. Once at home I took a shower trying to forget what just happened before took my phone and just started listening to music so could relax and not have to think about all the shit that was going on in my life.

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