Part 2

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Some days past and I haven't seen Harry for a while, o well I was getting better I felt better I had to take these pills that would make me gain weight, now I weighed 114 pounds witch was good I finally felt confident in my skin, the cuts became scars not to big luckily only the deep one was a bit bigger, school was going really good I started getting A's in a lot of topics. A week past after I stayed home to get better, today I had to go to school and this time Louis brought me there, I was finally happy I made friends one in particular her name was Annie she is the sweetest person I know so spunky and cool, and really pretty she has brown hair and gorgeous nut brown eyes. We would go everywhere together she was my best friend. Today school went rally well, I saw Harry but he wouldn't do anything he would just talk to Zayn who was his close friend. I was in chemistry class and sitting next to my lab mate Justin he was really cute and kind, while we were working on our experience he would flirt with me and say nice stuff to me and then he asked me out. I was so happy this Friday I was going out with the cutest guy I know. Finally it was Friday the week passed real fast I was getting ready for my date I wore a simple blue dress with some ballerinas, Justin picked me up at 10pm he had a Red Ferrari, he brought me to this nice restaurant where we ate some really good food. After eating we walked together, when I felt him reach for my hand brushing the strand of my hair off my cheek, his thumb rubbing softly caressing my earlobe his fingers supporting the back of my head as he leans in and firmly yet seductively placing our lips together I can feel him quickly inhale pulling the air from my own lungs our moist with desire, he pulls my body closer to his holding me tightly against him, feeling the race of our hearts as one.

"I want to be with you Kristy" he said after we kissed

"Me to" I answered kissing his cheek

The date was one of the best dates I have ever been on, I really liked Justin and nothing would change my mind. I took my dairy and started righting everything that was going on, that's what the doctor told me to do so I could release everything I was feeling, at that moment I had no idea of what exactly I was feeling I didn't know if it was love. Saturday and Sunday passed and those day's I had to be with my Dad and his new girlfriend I hated her cause she was so nice! It was Monday and I woke up early cause I had an important test of history I was prepared but still nervous, as usual I had to help Annie because she didn't study, it was thanks to me that she was getting C's and B's she wasn't the best in school but she could dance really good. At gym calls we were doing a volley ball match that lasted 2 hours.


Kristina was doing a volley ball match It was my time to go the their locker room, and do something that I had to do I took her phone and told her annoying boyfriend to meet her somewhere else so I could talk to this peace of crap, deleting the message so she wouldn't notice anything, I told him to meet "her" at 10pm at a park I knew. It was finally 10pm so I was getting my motorcycle to go meet that asshole, when I arrived there I saw him with some flowers, wow! He was really lame why Kristina was going out with someone like that she should be with me not him!

"What are you doing here?" Justin asked me with a surprised look on his face.

"I'm here for our date" I answered sarcastically

"Go away" he yelled

"Nope I'm here to tell you to stay away from Kristina"

"Why should I" he answered to me in a loud tone

"Because she doesn't deserve a dick like you" I affirmed

"Right cause she deserves a guy that made her want to kill herself!!"

I couldn't hold the rage that I was feeling, so I started punching that jerk's face I couldn't stand him, thinking of him, kissing her beautiful lips made me even more mad after I finished hurting that Shit I told him one more thing "Kristina deserves a man like me" and then I took my bike and just left.

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