chpt 5.

420 16 0

[ tuesday ]

my heart was pounding from the way he reacted, i didn't know how to react to this because i've never been in this situation.
he continues sobbing into his hands, cradling himself. "ethan i really didn't to trigger you in any way. i'm so truly sorry." i say softly, trying to stay calm. after a few minutes of this, he slowly begins to calm down a bit. his breathing becomes neutral. i sigh in relief, slightly smiling. i watch him as he dozes off, it took me sometime to realise that he's falling asleep. he falls forward towards the floor, but i immediately react by trying to lift him up and pull him back. i succeed, obviously struggling but i managed. i stare at him, almost 100% certain he's a heavy sleeper. i quickly go upstairs grabbing a soft black blanket & a pillow from the wardrobe and head back downstairs. i walk over checking to see of he's sleeping. once i know he is, i lift his head up slightly tucking the pillow underneath him. i unfold the blanket and throw it over his body. i then walk off to turn the tv off and the lights, i walk back over to ethan. "sweet dreams ethan." i whisper gently and walk off heading towards my room. once there, i untuck the blankets and crawl underneath shivering. i listen to the rain in the background.

i slightly laugh, realising the course of events that just happened. what a crazy tuesday.
i mean, one second i was going out to the library to get a book and now i have someone staying at my house. i start thinking about what happened to ethan. i had so many questions. too many actually. but, i know that right now isn't the time. i mean we just met today. i'll just have to wait till he's comfortable telling me, which i'm completely okay with. i slowly start to melt into my covers, forgetting about all my worries. i close my eyes and head off to sleep.

[ wednesday ]

"mom..? please don't-" i watch my mother slowly face me, smiling and continues walking away into the darkness. i try to run for her but i can't move. all of a sudden, her voice echoes repeating hateful comments about me.

you've always been worthless.
i'm glad i left when i had the chance.
i should've aborted you, you useless piece of shit.

"no please. please mom, i'm so sorry." i look everywhere, trying to keep her voice out.
i slowly fall back into the darkness, sobbing.


i shoot up, screaming whilst gasping for air. i look out and see the rain against the window, i grab my knees cradling myself for comfort crying. i soon here soft gentle footsteps heading from downstairs getting closer to me.
"hey? hey.. are you okay? what happened?" i watch the dark figure get closer to me, all i can see is the outline. i feel hands gently touch my arm for comfort, i jump at the touch making the boy take his hand off me and apologising.

"who- where am i?" i say wiping my tears. he giggles softly, immediately feeling bad.
"incase you forgot, i'm grayson and i found you in an alleyway.. so i took you back to my house..? i don't know if you remember." he whispers gently. my memory comes back and i stare at the small figure, "thank you." i say, my voice cracks. he giggles again "you're welcome." he says softly. the moonlight shines on his eyes, i stare at his features.

he then checks his phone noticing the time, "it's 2am, your room you're staying in is opposite mine, you can go there if you want or stay here but get some sleep for tomorrow" he smiles getting up and heading off to his room.
i smile softly, "goodnight grayson."

[ wednesday ]
i turn around, smiling whilst doing a soft wave and heading back up to my room. i jump back in bed.

ethan & grayson
[ wednesday ]
i sigh, staring at the ceiling.
slowly dozing off and falling back asleep.

sorry for not updating more often!!
schools being a whole ass whore.
anyways i'll try update more (most likely wont be often but i'll try <3)
thank you to everyone who actually reads these author notes :)

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