Chapter 8: Escapement

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Chapter VIII

Flames engorged the Trayus starport. Ashes and pillars of smoke slowly ascended in upright columns. Shrapnel pierced into the starport's inner and outer wall's sides. Inside Sith troopers had their bodies perforated by shrapnel too.

Within the consuming orange glows of fire: two harrowing monsters, glowing with black aura, walked side by side: a Force aberration in the right and a hideous walking corpse in the left, whose skin was rotten and stunk. Both sent powerful ripples in the Force with their corrupt presence, and Nihilus' was passively outbalancing it.

These two newly Dark Lords' servants extinguished the flames with wind waves executed through the amazing way of the Force.

The harsh Marauder looked at the destroyed starport, cracking his teeth in anger,

"I shouldn't have listened to you. Now we are all stranded on this cursed planet.", Sion was tempted to raise the tone, but hesitated,

"Our chance of taking the Sith Order to its rightful gone."

But this was not the end as Sion thought. The mysterious man, Shersach, approached with a solution. A bold one,

"Lord Sion, using the Force, I saw a Centurion-class battle cruiser inside the planet's orbit. And as you can see", Shersach pointed at the colorless sky, "there are also small-sized battle ships.", he looked straight at the Marauder,"If we use the Force, together, we could bring them down here."

The answer that Sion sought desperately was indeed, bold. In theory sounded perfectly, but practically this could not work and they might have died in horrible agony, he thought so, gazing at the perpetual storms of lightning and at the suspended spaceships.

Shersach knew it had to work if they united their strength in the Force,

"Then just watch, Lord Sion.", the Marauder was ready to mock the Sith Lord for his undoubtedly failure.

Shersach raised his hands in the air and reached out with the Force. Transparent huge hand-like shapes gripped the small-sized flying ships. He tried Force-pulling the ships, shaking them, but they were extremely heavy. Even with the aid of the other Sith Masters, Shersach couldn't do it. They simply produced insignificant turbulence, enough for some objects to fall or roll over.

Shersach collapsed on the soil, drained of his own strength. Exhausted. Though it was him who had the most influence over the suspended space ships.

The Marauder half-closed his eyes looking at the colorless sky and then at the collapsed Sith Master.

"I told you, Shersach. It is in vain. There is no way out of here.", he tightened his left fist, boiling inside with rage. Sion wished to Force choke Traya, to break her neck bones, to rip her heart outfrom her fragile chest, to hear how her ribs cracked. Yes, that's what Darth Sion, The Lord of Pain, wanted.

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